Anonymous ID: c92992 June 18, 2018, 9:37 p.m. No.1808526   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8545


In my case it started out with things like De-Be-Que. and the website I had made for was db-q - and I ignored these and many others like "AND YOU ARE WHO" - and when I finally got curious I'd search some of these I'd get people with similar names to my family in other places in the world (cultists that use similar naming schemes) and sometimes it'd be replies to things I had been asking Q on the Qboard or researching in my AB-BA series


it took many months - and when I finally realized the good guys were going so far out of their way to let me know, well, I'll just say a lot of things changed in my life. - There are other victims and I met 20 of them - most of them had no idea they were victims and I had to tell them. You might be! but it's not something you should want to be because it means likely your entire family has always been trying to murder you in secret and so have all your friends and any girl you've ever dated. It's... not a pleasant realization.

Anonymous ID: c92992 June 18, 2018, 9:53 p.m. No.1808708   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8786 >>8866


they will do whatever way they think you might reply I think…. I had a phone so they used that - they don't directly contact anyone in a conventional way - but it sounds like you might be one of us so who knows. Other indicators are things like - letters - my family has a lot of "L's' for women's names they also sometimes go to L university like another person I met had a lot of J's in their family (the cannibal one) -


well - here's a picture of me holding an eraser and my shirt says "Live to Ride" - and after this they had me play a game called "Stunts" - the only game on my mothers computer and that was the setup - to them "erasing me" - by bike death - as they messed with my brakes and well - broke both my arms but not my head! I bet it was good TV tho cause i did a full flip in the air : (


anyway, I've nearly died many times - they tried to drown me and that also had a big lead up - and I could go on and on - you may well be a victim or you may not be so ask as much as you like

Anonymous ID: c92992 June 18, 2018, 9:59 p.m. No.1808776   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8848 >>8851 >>8888


That was one of the cult movies - not as in the movie itself is cult (tho this one kind of is) but there were a ton of them - like Cujo (I was nearly eaten by a dog as a young child -as they tried to do a live action Cujo) - or this one Milk Money - and just like with Stay Tuned - note the striped shirted kid - that's "me" - and I also had a "friend" who always wore a leather jacket too - the parrells are absurd - and well - rich assholes get a kick out of having us victims watch their shitty movies - this one I watched the day before I was supposed to drown. - and my sister just before that dressed up like the hooker in this film and "accidentally" striped for me. … ok I don't want to talk about her.

Anonymous ID: c92992 June 18, 2018, 10:04 p.m. No.1808849   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8963



It goes back to Al-Waleed and the Trump Princess yacht and further - but if we go through just the Trump timeline - this is when Trump delivered his blackmail to be able to run for president. and yea our side was going to use Trump so they used Scott Pruitt as a way to guide the eyes to Jeb! - as he worked on his campaign - but as our great POTUS said about being a spy -


well long story - and I go through it quite a bit in my AB-BA series

Anonymous ID: c92992 June 18, 2018, 10:07 p.m. No.1808894   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9029


yep, almost all the victims had that in common. Even one who lived underground as a child in Snake City New York - - and he sang about Baal and satan and all sorts of disturbing things - and he had no family I think to give him a striped shirt but wouldn't you know it - he found a box of them as a kid…. so yea, it's to find us in a crowd.

Anonymous ID: c92992 June 18, 2018, 10:12 p.m. No.1808962   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9051 >>9087


my leather jacket wearing "friend" would call himself "Leather Jacket Man" - and he went to owl school…. and the leather part is actually pertinent - because I would get gifts of leather shoes so the "aliens wouldn't take me away" and a wallet made of leather and other things… the point being in my case is my grandfather owned a farm and so there was a running set of jokes about cows in my life - it's all very meta to the jerks watching who know that my grandfather's "crime" is being punished through me - they didn't get the farm they wanted the way they wanted it so I become a joke for it's sake. I think if I had worn those leather shoes it would have been something like I'd get a year free of cult fuckery - but they were uncomfortable so I never wore them.

Anonymous ID: c92992 June 18, 2018, 10:15 p.m. No.1808995   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9066


I have but that's a different side of the cult I think, not filmed just sex slaves. I was nearly a sex slave as my sister tried to rape me in the bath and also my mother tried to give me away when i was oh about this age in the picture. But the game of "keep your eyes closed" - I didn't follow it and opened my eyes just before a large black man put me in his car and I didn't even know what happened till years later… but anyway, different sides of the cult - I tried contacting her once and never got a reply. I could try again but it's an awkward conversation to start.

Anonymous ID: c92992 June 18, 2018, 10:19 p.m. No.1809039   🗄️.is 🔗kun


I have my twitter feed for that. Starting a thread is something I'd do if Q hinted it but I am sort of reluctant to do anything Q doesn't ask at this stage. - I really don't mind talking in a thread or saying anything on the twitter (except give names) but it just seems kind of redundant when i'm on twitter.

Anonymous ID: c92992 June 18, 2018, 10:24 p.m. No.1809083   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9112 >>9220


Another thing we largely had in common was that we had someone in our father/grandfather/grandmother's that pissed off the cult - I already talked about my grandfather - but another victim had a grandmother who was an FBI informant - and several of them were super rich and yet they grew up in poverty - i.e. other times the cult tried to takeover a family and ended up torturing the true heir of the wealth after failing to do so (they still take it tho, but they make sure the true heir is fucked sometimes literally)


and as for whether you are one of "us" the only people I knew for sure were the ones that Q set up the facility visit for - but there are surely more than just that. It was only 20 there but follow my twitter I suppose cause there's no way for me to just "know" if you are one you'll be made aware soon enough and we will meet on the same side of a court room with all the others.

Anonymous ID: c92992 June 18, 2018, 10:28 p.m. No.1809114   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9202


yes, that's Alan. haha, which is a reference to how I said on the QBOARD (and I'm going to find that post one of these days in the archive) to Q when he replied to me in a proxy something like "Alan 17 here" - and i took that to mean he was saying he was the 17th Alan thus he clarified it in the QMAP that I was the Alan - Alan PERIOD and 17 is the letter Q

Anonymous ID: c92992 June 18, 2018, 10:34 p.m. No.1809171   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9238


there is no "contact" an important thing to understand is almost all the victims had family members taking care of them - the cult flipped them probably a year or so ago when they worked their way up the ladder - I was with family- yes cultist family when I made my last twitter- but we all just didn't talk about it - however when I made the twitter feed thigns spiraled out of control as the cult came after my family - and thus I got put in a facility to meet other victims like me - all done behind the scenes - I met a Q but he never said he was a Q of this place or directly talked about Q things - but i knew it was Q because well other people called him Q and he wore a dog tag and also other things.


But that only happened as a reaction to the cult going after me - they wouldn't have initiated contact like that if there wasn't an active threat on my life - and when I was in the facility they sent me more codes as a fun little gesture in the newspaper.


Anyway, there is no easy answer to your question tho

Anonymous ID: c92992 June 18, 2018, 10:36 p.m. No.1809200   🗄️.is 🔗kun


it was my autism I think that saved me - it was only till we were about at his car - and it was the gushing of wind hitting my face when we left the grocery store (Piggly Wiggly I believe) that made me open my eyes to see what was going on. So he only had me for a minute or two.

Anonymous ID: c92992 June 18, 2018, 10:40 p.m. No.1809237   🗄️.is 🔗kun


My father was also a victim, and his vice was alcohol which I think the cult enjoyed watching him get smashed and so - well, that's why as a kid I remember that he inherited a whole house full of booze… and much else - but I learned never to drink thanks to that and never do drugs or smoke as an extension - I think every single other victim at the facility smoked and growing up the kids tried really hard to get me into drugs. I just knew what they did thanks to my dad. Tho in retrospect it wasn't the alcohol that destroyed my father but the cult.