Anonymous ID: dfd096 June 18, 2018, 9:38 p.m. No.1808539   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8739


How much time exactly do you think we have? The first term is half over, there is no guarantee there will be a second, and now one fox anchor for the first time asks about indicting Hillary for crimes we knew about for years ago? Really? This is amazing? This is a joke. And this is only talking about the most superficial crimes of Hillary. No one has even forcefully made the point that the private email is nothing. No one has made the point that the private email was in place to cover up horrible crimes, and certainly no one has ventured to mention what those crimes might be. You think at this rate we are going to lock her up for fucking and killing kids? Much less deal with the Roths, or the Fed, or uncover the truth of Vegas, 9/11 or anything else that matters?


And where is our Marine one and AF1 proof Q? We haven't forgotten.

Anonymous ID: dfd096 June 18, 2018, 9:42 p.m. No.1808583   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8633


Your first graphic of that Q post confirms that Trump has no intention of releasing information that could truly damage our beloved, fetid institutions. He is letting us down. Bigly.

Anonymous ID: dfd096 June 18, 2018, 9:47 p.m. No.1808638   🗄️.is 🔗kun


The message is not for anons silly. The true satanic evil will never be disclosed to us. We are too weak, too small, our little heads would explode. Just let our mommies and daddies decide what's best. We will never be told shit, and even if they do get rid of the Roths and the rest of the cabal, the people will never be the wiser, and a new evil will rise up right behind them to fill the role of ruling us sheep. Just eat grass and be happy. We aren't meant to be men, living in truth. Our faith in government and it's "institutions" is too important to weaken for something as petty as the truth.

Anonymous ID: dfd096 June 18, 2018, 9:50 p.m. No.1808665   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Oooo. You called me a shill. Got me there. Such a stupid sheep you are. Cant even debate or make an argument. Just like a leftist shouting down dissent. Everyone sees that pathetic bullshit. Which is why this board remains fringe and cant reach normal, thinking people.

Anonymous ID: dfd096 June 18, 2018, 10:08 p.m. No.1808895   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9239


I don't care if Q is speaking on behalf of Trump or not. Lets assume for a moment he is who he says he is- a Trump insider. Not a LARP or psyop. Ok fine.


Things are not moving at a pace that could accomplish what Q has promised during Trump's presidency, even assuming he is there for 8 years.


No one is waking up. Q board is an echo chamber for low IQ boomers who cant think. The true autists on 4chan that might have gotten the word out ran off Q because he was followed by stupid boomers who cant debate, argue, or form a coherent, linear narrative, and have no understanding of how meme warfare works.


Q has stated numerous times that the actual truth would undermine the government too much to be revealed, and that we simply aren't going to be given the full picture. We are sheep, not men, and we aren't worthy of it. All we will ever get is little crumbs in the form of riddles so that we feel engaged enough to keep voting. This is unacceptable.


Disclosure is the only thing that could possibly turn this country around. To give the fate of the country back to its people. Trump is no different than the Satanists in this regard- he doesn't trust the people with simple reality, and will never give that back to us. If he coulda, he woulda. Some delays are fine operationally, but some legitimate big info drops would have been made public by now if had any intention of dropping the big picture. Nothing has come out publicly in Trump's administration about corruption or the puppet masters, certainly not about bigger crimes and bigger pictures, that we didn't already know and have evidence for during the election.


I still hope that humanity moves to a place of greater understanding and light, but what is happening here isn't that, or it isn't nearly enough.


Stop being a faggot Q. People are losing interest.