Anonymous ID: e892b3 June 18, 2018, 10:35 p.m. No.1809184   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun



They let you dream ←—-They let you dream about being rich and wealthy

Just to watch them shatter ←—-They know you aint gonna be rich, the feed off you

You're just a step ←—–Your a Angel

On the boss man's ladder ←—-on the way up to Heaven

But you got dreams he'll never take away ←—-Being free from Bad Dreams, Money problems..etc

In the same boat ←—WWGOWGA

With a lot of your friends←——— Anons

Waiting for the day ←—-Today

Your ship will come in ←—-your great awakening

And the tide's gonna turn ←———Right now

An' it's all gonna roll you away ←—it just did.


Heaven is what you make it and Heaven on earth is happening is it not Anon