Oldanon went off the board over 2 years ago. You know, when the war was won. Came back every now and then, smile and leave. Then a few months ago anon saw things going on the enemy camp. Checked in at qresearch and found it a clusterfuck. Couldn't get in without jumping through hoops, crazy hoops. Gave it up.
Then, just 5 days ago checked back, threw up a post and it worked. Yes, the war was won back then but the enemy media never got the news. Media started getting some news a few weeks ago. Oldanon started noticing it. (when you go through something, like being the navigator/deckman on a 3 maned 32' sailboat sailing up the Chesapeake having the eye pass offshore during the night while you were hold up in Norfolk then having the captain (owner) decide to head back home at first light, knowing it was a bad idea because the wind would be at Hurricane 1 or high trop storm levels coming straight at us. So off we went, for almost 18 hours all we could see was the tip of the next wave knowing we could run aground (like 70% of the bay is under 6" deep, we drew 6.5) The NW quarter passed us and we got an hour of smooth sea and checked in at a smalltown dock and when I got off I thanked God we made it. Then, an hour or so later while eating dinner I wanted to go back and do it again. I missed it. I miss it until this day.) So here I am.
Got to tell you anons. What we're seeing from the enemy media is their last gasps. It's going to be bumpy but no big deal.