go get'em persians!
hopefully… i cannot believe turdeau has survived this long… looks like ontario is leading the charge though
omg fucking flat earthers are back
i would guess oblong… not fucking flat
i wonder if it will ever come out that those that rule israel are probably the ones responsible for the holocaust
pfftt.. i wished… i work in the realm of probabilities and it seems highly likely that a small group of people would be willing to sacrifice their own in order to escape ridicule and gain control of a large piece of land
tits or GTFO
ahh wasn't sure if it was verbatim … nice tits
good enough for government work eh? lol
i dont know if rand has the balls to be president
lol i dont even think he wants two terms but will if needed
lol its an engineering shortcut
cant teach balls… either got them or you dont most of the time
shit as much as scientists would like you make you think that they are certain… pffttt… a lot of the equations are short cuts, assumptions and curve fits
I don't understand why people argue the existence of god… neither side would win
so over a million Venezuelans just voluntarily moved out of their country when it was doing great and intended to keep the same genius in power to manage the country through its golden age /sarc
Looking for international support from the US and they know sure as hell we dont speak farsi lol
Fuck'em … quit illegally immigrating here … if they come through a port of entry and claim refuge status… they will not be separated … i strongly believe this was done to separate the traffickers from the potential illegal immigrants