Anonymous ID: db0df8 June 18, 2018, 11:52 p.m. No.1809847   🗄️.is 🔗kun

I had a big thought last night, and maybe I'm wrong… or maybe just late in realizing this… bare with me here.


Maybe Q really is a LARP (sanctioned && legitimate)

perhaps this whole thing is necessary because it's the only way we win and the only way to disclose without the cognitive dissonance.

do citizen USA haters outnumber us patriots?

–only in the government and media

Does Q really know all?

–I think Q has all the info, more than we do anyways, but probably lacks the manpower to process it and find all of the connections.

–maybe Q research is the equivalent to Q crowd sourcing intelligence analysis.

–if for no other reason than to help Q identify anything they might have missed or links they cannot find in the non-classified realm of information.


if this is the case, than all of you, minus the clowns and shills in the crowd, truly are MAGA.

I'm glad I'm able to do my part, as minuscule as it may be.


Go Team America!

Go Team Trump!

Go Team Q!



God Bless!


Semper Fi!