That is a very interesting theory.
They are probably chilly from the air conditioning.
IDK what is meant by calculated time Q posts have always corresponded to EDT/EST. I see
these last two as being posted 1:50 and 4:34 this morning, but at the top they are listed under Monday.
▶Q !CbboFOtcZs 06/19/18 (Tue) 00:01:501f5d00 (2) No.1807982
▶Q !CbboFOtcZs 06/19/18 (Tue) 00:04:341f5d00 (2) No.1808021
kek, no. East Coast.
Kek, not that I am aware of. But perhaps that is a good thing for me.
The only time I even remotely thought the world might be flat was in standing on the Cliffs of Moher.
And yea I contemplated jumping off but it was a passing fancy. Could not think of a better way to go.
Hits the nail on the head.
Puh-lease. He was speaking tongue-in-cheek hyperbole, as he often does.