>>1809996 (lb)
If the Protocols document is legit, then western economies should not return to the gold standard after ending the fed and the illicit central banks.
>>1809996 (lb)
If the Protocols document is legit, then western economies should not return to the gold standard after ending the fed and the illicit central banks.
Those who cry loudest for compassion are usually the most cruel, vicious and heartless.
Are they related to the CanaDIANS?
The war on science was started by the cabal which pushes junk science and tries to separate science from God.
Jesus is not one of many. He is the Creator. He has been here since the beginning. And it is Christianity which has led to the greatest civilizations on earth, including the US Constitution.
And to correct your analogy, Saul (who became Paul) was thrown off his high horse by the light and power of Jesus Christ who asked Saul "why are you persecuting me?" Whoever persecutes the Church, persecutes Christ and deserves to be humbled by being thrown off their high horse.
It is the proximity of the two men which is a strong sign of their sexual proclivities, not their hand holding or lack there of.
"Help us we are dying" as she hordes needed supplies from the suffering citizens.
or "hoardes" - spell check rejects this correct spelling
Please learn to spell if you are going to make false allegations.
Unleash the indictments. Gitmo, Gitmo, Gitmo!!
I think you are correct. It's late and my spelling tends to go south.
Great memes!
Time for arrests without bail. Shut the bastards down.
I wonder if he will bring more attention to the genocide in South Africa.