the cause: unverifiable results of elections.
the cause: the corruption of vote stealing
why filter?
somoene is a dehumanizing bully
someone is posting mosaics of scoffing people.
someone is posting nonsense and porn
there are a lot of other reasons but mostly if it's nonsense and shilling or discord filtering is the best way to avoid it.
why scroll when you can filter.
you guys and you one-sentence gloss
about 3000 years of history
no matter what it always is full of lies and misinformation.
how could you expect anyone would believe you when you obviously have no grasp of history?
'no, what you said about me is really what you are' approach.
I didn't try to gloss over 3000 years of history in a single sentence, complete with conformation shilling with in a short time after.
so, no, you.
filtered for being a time wasting false narrative confirmation tag team shill
no one should learn history from shill/confirmation shill bot construct posts like what your team does.
No one is fooled by your efforts.
you pretend to know history but you prove to know nothing. maybe you know some things, but you don't share anything real.
and didn't let the locals profiteer off it