Anonymous ID: c0fd0c Jan. 9, 2023, 6:28 a.m. No.18109449   🗄️.is 🔗kun


I've noticed something all during this time the Jan 6 House Committee hoax has been going on and it's about Lynn Cheney's demeanor and body language. It has always struct me as odd. She consistantly has this pitiful look of sorrow and hurt on her face. I kind of passed it off as a front in her turning on President Trump, faining sorrow because MAGA is trying to destroy the country and kill "democracy" and all the rest of this mock shit.


We all know about RRN and Mike Baxter, not his real name I don't think, and he writes these incredible articles using the real names of the real people involved in our military at Gitno and other places. So and so was hung on this date and so and so cursed at everyone as the noose was being put around her neck and tightened. Now, it could be that all of these articles are just splendid, creative efforts by Mr. Baxter as I have always thought this to be correct. But, I do enjoy reading them if only to imagine for short moment, that they're true.


Back to Lynn Cheney. Could it be that the sadness and sorrow on her face is authentic and the reason behind it is very real and very, very troubling to her? Could it be that her father was indeed put to death on 1-29-22 as the result of a Military Tribunal and sentencing? I can't prove it. Nobody can and on it's face, I would normally just go pfffft………………on the other hand this would explain her pitiful demeanor over the last year or so since the J6 committee started.


I have always thought that her involvement in this mock crap was based on revenge. Revenge against Trump but, why? She supported him early on. Or, does she have damn good reason to seek revenge from Trump because of waht he's done to her family? Remember that ad Dick Cheney did for her during the election? That commercial did stike me as not being him and it was bizarre to say the least. He came off like the evil demon he is. I don't think it was him.


Can any of us here know for certain that RRN is fake and gay? I have no fucking idea. I've been awake for a long time but I've come to learn a lot about what I thought was true, that isn't. RRN fits very nicely into this upside down and inside out world we are living in. Soft disclosure?


Just thinking out loud here, or out my ass. Your decide.

Anonymous ID: c0fd0c Jan. 9, 2023, 6:50 a.m. No.18109554   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Was talking to a friend yesterday about this exact subject. Something is going on. He explained to me that we have entered into a time shift if you will. People are waking up and all of the mock, propaganda bullshit the leftist has been foisting on everyone is waning and having less and less effect as a whole. Frequency shift. Low to high. Dark to light.

I don't know but I feel it also. Perhaps it's more widely known and felt than we all think.

Some public Tribunals and hangings would go a long way.