As you entered 2023 your DNA strands were repositioned in readiness for you to initiate these reconnections, to launch yourself within your consciousness. Your DNA plays a pivotal role in your ability to return to ‘remembering’. There is no such thing as time and in one moment you can simply realign to your full sacred aspect of consciousness. There is nothing you have to change about your human aspect in order to activate the reconnection to your sacred component. This is destiny in motion at this juncture, this process is what you have pre agreed to achieve now.
You are naturally a multidimensional being having a human experience. Through the doorway of your Heart, you realign into a higher state of self-empowerment. Your Heart has begun a metamorphic shift in response to the repositioning of your DNA. These changes within the DNA strands have enabled you to return, to align to the power of your multidimensional heart space.
This is your time to actively engage through the powerful transmutation of your Heart. Your Heart is to play a more expansive role than ever before. As a multidimensional tool your Heart is your authentic guiding compass and is destined to bring you into a deeper knowing wisdom and Truth. The Heart’s primary role is to orientate you to navigating your alignments to the Universal community, including your family of origin that exists off planet.
Your Heart’s energy is like a helping hand reaching out for you. Link into your Heart and allow your next step of being launched to another phase of your awakening. There is a rapid reset which was promised, prophesised and this reset has been realized as you were moved into the aligned energies of 2023.