Anonymous ID: 636f2a Jan. 9, 2023, 8:26 a.m. No.18110045   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0053 >>0080 >>0198

Negative today. Thoughts.


At this point. What is the point of this plan? Allow mass vaccines. Kills, injures millions. Allow politicians to continue corruption. Allow air to continue being poisoned. Allow medicines that help people continue to be withheld. Allow medicines that help people continue to be too expensive. Allow healthcare to continue to be subpar. Allow budget to continue to climb to new historic levels over and over. Allow wall street to continue to steal. Allow money to continue to be printed. Allow all alphabet agencies to continue to control the narrative. Allow the media to continue to control their narratives. Allow inflation to hurt millions of families. Don't arrest anyone. Cry about cheating, do nothing accept run for President again….somehow thinking the cheating wont happen again.


This isn't a plan. This is a shit show. They're mocking us with the truth. Q came on here all huffy once saying those of us that don't understand all the things they needed to do first, etc. And how too many truths would cause International issues and wars. At this point who cares? Burn it down and rebuild. This is just dumb. You can't treat anons like this, leave us in the dark for over a year and just expect because a random 17 pops up here and there we are supposed to trust. The military is compromised, how is military the only way? If the bad guys were truly losing, wouldn't they just nuke the world rather than live enslaved like they've kept us? Shit doesn't add up after 5 years.


Honestly look back to 2016 and look now. what has changed? Lgbtq mocking of Gods creation has grown worse since 2016. The deficit has grown worse since 2016. Crime in major cities has grown worse. This "you have to show them" bullshit is useless. People see and hear what they want to. No normies I work with or have conversations with feel any different about anything. They may think Biden is demtia ridden, but that also gives him a pass for the shit he does.."well, he's just old, not all democrats are that way"


Trump sat with Bill O'Reilly and said he was vaccinated and boosted. He took large sums of campaign donations from Sheldon Adelson after bragging and making a part of his campaign on the motto that he didn't have strings attached to him because he didn't need donor money. In 2019 he held a fundraiser at dick Cheneys ranch with Cheney. He's appointed how many swamp members? He'sstanding up for one now to become speaker. It would be forgivable to Trump was just on his own and made these mistakes. mislead, unsure, whatever. But when you add Q to the mix and how this is a plan and Trump is in the know, I have to wonder why you would push vaccines, hire swamp, take dirty money and allow the people you're supposedly here to save, suffer. just venting frustration. Tomorrow I'll be back to defending this shit because I'm a moran.




>kill yourself


>fuck off, followed by no actual rebuttal with anything meaningful

>how much does Mossad pay you

>why are you here then

>you have to show them

>this anon doesn't understand, followed with no explanation

>reread drops

Anonymous ID: 636f2a Jan. 9, 2023, 8:40 a.m. No.18110146   🗄️.is 🔗kun


I used to hold onto this as hope. But when you like at the amount of misdirection and division Trump was able to create and the amount of mocking that's been done. It kind of makes sense. They do enjoy their mocking.