Elon fucks recent Chinese Tesla Owners in the ASS without Lube, causing many of the Chinese to protest the price drops.
You can do it, anon.
Fuck. I used to bake and I am a moran, and a bigot according to the current rulership.
Throw your hat in the ring. We are supporting you!
It was already tossed, anon.
What you wrote negates the entire concept of FREE WILL.
You may or may not want to rethink your assumptions.
Assume that there is a potential perpetrator and a potential victim in a room.
God gave both free will.
The perpetrator chooses evil.
Go to your room and think about it.
HINT: God gave free will to all.
You need better training.
you projected your own fed/jew/boomer agenda
tell your masters that you need better training.
God created the UNIVERSE and the races of MAN. God Granted man FREE WILL.
Tell your masters you need moar help.
Think of all the poor little boomers that have all of their retirement and investments in the JEWISH OWNED and CONTROLLED stock market.
That's what those fuckers get for trusting the fucking jews!
God is in control over many things, but gave control to man over things of man when he gave man FREE WILL.
Back to your 501 (c) 3 church, moron.
Your STUPID question answered itself.
>"If God gives you a choice between A or B, and you choose B, is that your free will?"
You completely suck at this shit.
Ask God, cunt.
Unless it is being questioned by a cunt.
You lied about me lying.
Now, answer my question.
Why are you such a cunt?
Single mother issues, perhaps?
So, was your single mother vert abusive?
Did she blame you for your father leaving her with a brat, i.e., you, for a whore?
Did you at least get chicken tendies out of the deal?
Why are you so riled up?
Is it because your single mother was very abusive, and she blamed you for her failings while she was drinking wine out of a box, and liked the cat more than you?
Tell us, anon.
This is a safe space.
You do project quite a bit.
Being raised by an alcoholic mother that drinks wine out of a box must have been hell for you.
Did you have lots of zits when you were a teenager?
Asking for a friend.