Anonymous ID: 2d4ada June 19, 2018, 6:38 a.m. No.1811577   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1632 >>1680

Q rolls on (at about 3:07.00)


Sen. Cruz: Dairector Wray let me understand which pending matter you are referring to. The Clinton email matter is closed is that correct?


Director Wray: (pause) Yes, whoops.


Sen. Cruz: You're decling to answer a question becuase you say there is an ongoing investigation. (Wray nods heads and grins) I'm trying to understand shat investigation arugably covers the emails demonstrating whether the director of the FBI committed perjury?


Wray: (smiling) And I can't answer the question without describing an ongoing investigation.


Cruz: So it's your position you're not going to descirbe any investigation but you'll decline to answer any questions because there might be some investigation that might implicate it?


Wray: (smiling patiently) No, what I'm testiffying to is that the questions you're asking I know for a fact implicate (pause) matters that I can't describe without implicating an ongoing investigation.