People need practice.
Elon Musk is a valuable man, even if Telslas catch fire.
Taking over large billboards would be cool … if it wasn't trespassing. Still if there is an "old sign" by the side of the road, it would work.
Kids are searching for a purpose, and rebellion is "really cool". Having an army of teenagers make and place Trust flyers is actually pretty viral. Once it starts, they all will do it.
I had once planned a large public display, like what Cristal does in Spain. My concern was once my idea got out, EVERYONE would use it. There are many many many iterations of this plan: Large "all at once" display of Trust
Have the homeless hold up a sign at a freeway off ramp: Trust
Give the person(s) $5 each to show the sign. The public will probably give them much more as the day goes by.
How about those portable billboards that drive up and down the strip in Las Vegas? The city's population changes every 3-5 days and they can take home the message: Trust .