Anonymous ID: 9624a6 June 19, 2018, 7:22 a.m. No.1812085   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2238

I hope you will understand my english!

I read a few breads before, that an anon nothing know about the Politics in Germany.

I will explain a little bit!


Merkel is our Problem and we all know, she/it was planed!

Helmut Kohl named her „Mein Mädchen“ – „My Girl“ and here comes the way she became Power!


There was Schäuble CDU in 1990. He was the Number Two, behind Kohl. But in 1990 it was an attempt of his life.

It is in German


After this attempt he changes his opinion about a few things, I don´t know exactly witch things, but I remember the words of my father! He thought there was more as only a psycho with a knife!


In the same year 1990 it was a second attempt to another Politican named Oscar Lafontaine SPD


Also a psycho with a knife!

My thoughts, both are MKUltra! The backround oft he to assasins brought me to this!

The two assasins has many Problems with mental health and the storys about the attempt are not similar, but similar!?


Oscar Lafontaine and Helmut Kohl visit Wolfgang Schäuble after his attempt in the Hospital, together! Why?


Assasin Schäuble – Dieter Kaufmann – Schäuble knows him – He is free now

Asasin Lafontaine – Adelheid Streidel – She is free now–wie-gefaehrlich-ist-die-lafontaine-attentaeterin–700442


Both oft hem gets the same judgement! Clinic!


O.k. Schäuble and Lafontaine, both are „big Players“ in there Partys are neutralized!

And Kohl running once again for Bundeskanzler! Schäuble not!


Kohl loses against Gerhard Schröder, but Schröder and his GOV was cancelt in 2005 after an Scandal.


And the way of Merkel was opened! Cause Friedrich Merz CDU was neutralizied too! He was a danger to her!

Merz works now fort he Atlantik Brücke (pawn?)! Look who ist he founder!? John J. McCloy