Anonymous ID: a5c054 June 19, 2018, 6:49 a.m. No.1811662   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1678 >>1806 >>1841 >>1966

Well, I've sunken into a depression. Last few days have been rough. I'm not OK in the noggin and I don't think I ever have been. I don't know what to call it. Flawed. Isn't everything here? 3 times, ocd, everything always 3 times, repeat until you have a good thought. Usually 3 times. Sometimes 20. Annoying. Time consuming. Normal.


Last week we had 3 mountain tops with a UFO in the background, with no finality to the discussion. Now it's back to the IG Report. You cannot mention anything at all in here that questions the flow. Break a wave, get the wrath - regardless to how well intended you may be. You see, some of us are here to try to help warn others. But instead we get labeled shills because we refuse to believe without questions and answers.


"You've been fucked with your whole life, believe me now with no evidence I'm any better"


And everyone collectively went "OK!".


[RR] has been in how many drops? How often does he need to be brought up? How often does the focus need to get off him, attention focused elsewhere, and then brought back to the original, RR again.


If the cabal is becoming "flipped" as many stated. Hilary has been suggested as a flipper, yesterday, Eric Schmidt was at the space announcement, so automatically, "he's flipped!" based on Anons here that make their assumptions facts.


So I have a question, all these bad people flipping, all this winning, why is it then we supposedly have the puppet masters in check, but their strings keep moving?? Their control of the mainstream media is stronger than ever. George Soros is investing as strongly as ever, if investing in Tesla wasn't enough, we also got hints of how poor and scared he is by the news he now has a large stake in the New York Times. Just ignore it because it doesn't fit the plan.


We just gave 6 million to white helmets and not one dig on it, just ignore it because it doesn't fit the plan.


Why are we linked to foxnews from Q? Mainstream Media. Fox calls other outlets mainstream and not themselves. This is the most misleading thing I've come across. They're fucking NUMBER 1 in ratings. THAT.IS.MAINSTREAM. Keep reading the heavily favored-right, just as biased articles as the left, again, ignore it as it doesn't fit the plan.


"People are awakening" Where? Go to any political website, read the comments. These people are 100% plugged into a system they will die with. People will not trust Trump. Regardless of the evidence.


People keep dying, we keep "winning bigly". Choose a different term. Death isn't winning for anyone. Not our soldiers, not any innocent people. Winning bigly is when the world is at peace. Because that's when the real fight would being. Peace is one thing to obtain, maintaining it will be the hardest accomplishment


What could ever oppose God's will?


Bad thoughts, clean them out. Board owner, please ban me. I'm too weak to stop coming here and too strong to continue believing it. No need for me to keep wasting bread in empty debate.


God Bless everyone.

Anonymous ID: a5c054 June 19, 2018, 7:13 a.m. No.1811936   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Trump winning put the world in a better place. No misconceptions.

True shills on this board deter any good. There is good to be had.

Q gave hope. A hope that honestly always seemed surreal and improbable.

But that does not mean there is not good happening or that Trump isn't trying.

I follow the message.

I just lost trust in the messenger.

Anonymous ID: a5c054 June 19, 2018, 7:39 a.m. No.1812308   🗄️.is 🔗kun


"Two others calling for more NSA oversight, Sen. Dick Durbin of Illinois andSensenbrenner, will also attend."


"Lawmakers confront Obama on NSA"


"One of the chief proposals of the five-member group is to end government storage of metadata and transfer the responsibility to private third parties, such as phone companies."