Anonymous ID: a623ce June 19, 2018, 6:54 a.m. No.1811702   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1722 >>1761 >>2058

>>1810963 (LB)

see: >>1811589


Kinetic Weapons / Rods of God.

They sort of make the traditional strategic value of nukes worthless (no first strike advantage using nukes, can respond and crush before nukes arrive).


So that leaves many nukes, which can still be detonated in all sorts of other ways and used for terror (think Sum of All Fears).


Not a good situation, so therefore, the current strategy will be to completely de-nuclearize.


This also ties in to SpaceX heavy lift. There was WAY more than a car brought to space as as a payload that day... The Rod of God quiver was filled - we got some Space Ammo folks.

Anonymous ID: a623ce June 19, 2018, 7:01 a.m. No.1811761   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Plus, we've clearly demonstrate the ability to shoot down ballistic missiles. With kinetic weapons and other missile intercepts.


This further makes traditional ICMBs lower in strategic value. Higher fixed and variable costs, less effective, radiation fallout that will blow back, etc. Outdated tech.


That leaves space as the next frontier.

There will be other weapon systems developed in the future, even faster than Kinetic Weapons (instant WW quantum resonant targeting - think Tesla), but for now, space it is.

Anonymous ID: a623ce June 19, 2018, 7:03 a.m. No.1811785   🗄️.is 🔗kun


I believe the majority of tweets are by 'staff'. Well planned, vetted, checked, and dropped at planned times. ALL part of the PLAN - learn our COMMS…

Anonymous ID: a623ce June 19, 2018, 7:10 a.m. No.1811902   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1925 >>2023


I agree it's the Perfect Litmus Test. But, trusting the plan, there are other pieces that must fall first. That would also cause significant disruption, and put the markets at risk. POTUS does like to hang hit hat on the economy, so can't risk that… (for NOW).


Doesn't mean WE can't discuss it here, and red-pill everyone that comes along. That actually decreases the risk, so once it's admitted 'officially', the population is like 'duh, we knew all along'. Then there will be the clueless idiots who are shocked. Much like what is habbening now.

Anonymous ID: a623ce June 19, 2018, 7:17 a.m. No.1811991   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2252


Ok, now am going to call out ID >0db134 as a shill.


Cited the same user last bread as well:

>>1811612 (LB)

ID 5e2087 Why the need to push the same DEW / Free Energy narrative (3) times in one thread, and multiple times last night?? Other times too if I recall. You discredit yourself.

>>1811168 (LB)

>>1811209 (LB)

>>1811344 (LB)


Are you poisoning the well? It doesn't have to be a DEW (Directed Energy Weapon) to exhibit the effect you are calling out (Dustification, Molecular Dissociation, even Jellification of Metal).


There are other explanations, such as a mini-nuke, generating a EM pulse(s), that fit with the facts, and some of them even better.


For example, the seismic signatures that occurred, picked up by geological sensor stations.


Plus, you still need to incorporate the nano-Thermite charges that cut the beams. The multiple explosions, etc.


Please, STOP pushing a partial answer as THE truth. It is a disservice to 9/11 TRUTH.

Anonymous ID: a623ce June 19, 2018, 7:23 a.m. No.1812097   🗄️.is 🔗kun


DEW weapons are real, in particular vehicle mounted demos are open source.

Just saying DEW doesn't really explain ALL of 9/11, and other explanations fit better.

Occam's Razor!!

Anonymous ID: a623ce June 19, 2018, 7:42 a.m. No.1812356   🗄️.is 🔗kun



>efc1c3 and ID >0db134 working together this morning - eh? Side by side in a cube? Double pay for distracting from the hearings?


>One thing you won't do is tell the anons to watch the video and think for themselves!


WRONG - have watched the video, saved the hooktube locally. I saw her argument YEARS ago, and read ALL of what Dr. Wood had back then (have many many files). Watched her speaking for an hour. Read her Qui Tam case. Looked at what she did with Hutchison.

  • MY personal conclusion is that DEW doesn't fit with the demolition of the two towers, and so therefore, am not going to push a narrative on other anons I believe is false.

  • Read ALL my posts. Even anons that cite Thermite, I agree, and suggest they think further, as that is only a piece of the over-all method of demolition. Even I may be wrong.

  • ALL must think for THEMSELVES, on this we can agree.


Point is - YOU'RE ignoring evidence that doesn't fit with YOUR narrative. Is it possible DEW's were used? maybe, but ONLY in PART. Maybe this is relatively new to you, and you think you've got the silver bullet that will explain it all. Whatever, you're doing a disservice to the FULL truth.


Now, back to your script…….