Anonymous ID: f3cecf June 19, 2018, 7:15 a.m. No.1811966   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Many of us has been thru the same, I lost 35 pds in the last year due to depression, but it hasn't stopped me, and it won't. You also have to understand that even anons are slow learners, more now that there are a lot of newfags and normies that like to religiously follow a lider, instead of listening the message.


I also have been called a shill, a satanist, etc… This things are more complex that we think it is, what you see might give you hope or make you lose it, the reality is that we don't know, but you have to always keep fighting for what you think is right. If you have all the evidence that you claim, then gahter it, make a better explanation with good sources, archieve it offline, if anons don't like it now, take it elsewhere to discuss it, try again later. This requires A LOT of patience, if you don't learn to stop being so anxious because things don't go the way you like them to go, the board and anons aren't the problem, you are, but that's better, because you can do something about it.


Have strenght anon, we will pray for you.

Anonymous ID: f3cecf June 19, 2018, 7:18 a.m. No.1812024   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Then dig on him, see what he is doing, what he can do, what he can't, what he should do, etc. TRUST YOURSELF first, can you do that?


Nobody is here to please anyone, you don't like it, then do your research and analize for yourself.

Anonymous ID: f3cecf June 19, 2018, 7:35 a.m. No.1812270   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2343



You don't seem the smartest creature, you seem fairly stupid, and have you seen the shit-throwing monkeys that humans still are?


We ain't smart, we are still very stupid, and more if we have a faggot like you dismissing all proof around the world throughout all history just because you are afraid they are a psyop and because your egocentric and idiotic brain can't handle that there are beings ages ahead of us, that can see us as stupid maggots and not "the smartest creature in existence".


Get your head off your ass, the universe is bigger and more complex of what your little brain can even conceive, only a selfcentered idiot would believe that we are the best the universe can do. Dumbass.