Fuck You, this is not twatter!!
I don't even trust Q or Potus, My trust is in the Lord.
so now go report your bs journo faggot
Fuck You, this is not twatter!!
I don't even trust Q or Potus, My trust is in the Lord.
so now go report your bs journo faggot
Based on lot#'s 5% of the batches are killers, the rest are who fukin knows what.
Free Speech and truth dug by Anons!! This is the last free public square.
No, i said this isn't twatter take your faghot polls elsewhere, Neither Q nor Potus is to be trusted, they themselves said disinformation is necessary. So the research by anons is inherently more trustworthy than either of them.
Perhaps I should just call you a shill so you are happy that a label can be argued over
I have no isdue when proofs prove out, that proof is identified and verified by anons. So yes I trust anons research more than the source of crumbs or comms. So Reeee yourself, such a low iq as yourself should obviously answer with another genius comeback. ooooooooohhhhhh hope these two letters help
Free speech doesn't mean agreement. The essence of a good public square is our ability to disagree and even curse each other out. Like beer or hooch ?
This anon agrees, a good fist fight might clear the air a bit. Better yet a good cat fight between lets say MTG and AOC
The verbal sparring is the point, win/lose/draw.
since you are paraphrasing instead of a direct wuote, some of our lawfags might even say that is blatant mischaracterization.
go ahead try again.