Anonymous ID: 203cb5 Jan. 10, 2023, 3:43 p.m. No.18119320   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9332 >>9339 >>9340 >>9359 >>9434 >>9456 >>9539 >>9777 >>9945

Former Trump Org CFO Weisselberg sentenced to five months in Rikers Island jail


Weisselberg is preparing for his sentence at Rikers with a prison consultant.



The former chief financial officer of the Trump Organization, Allen Weisselberg, was sentenced Tuesday to five months in New York City's infamous Rikers Island jail.


New York Judge Juan Manuel Merchan sentenced Weisselberg, 75, to five months in jail in line with the plea deal to which he agreed, according to the Associated Press. He is expected to serve his time at the Rikers Island jail and will be eligible to be released on good behavior after slightly more than three months.


Weisselberg faced up to 15 years in prison but entered a plea deal in August in which he pleaded guilty to 15 tax crimes and agreed to testify against the Trump Organization, which was found guilty last month of tax fraud. He also agreed to complete five years of probation and pay nearly $2 million in taxes and penalties.


Weisselberg prepared for his sentence at Rikers with prison consultant Craig Rothfeld, who spent more than five weeks at the jail as part of an 18-month sentence for fraud, Reuters reported.


Rothfeld said he hopes that Weisselberg will be kept separate from the more than 5,900 inmates there. Weisselberg has worked closely with Trump since 1986, and his experience may make his time in jail more difficult.


"Certainly Mr. Weisselberg's 50-year relationship with the former president is on all our minds," Rothfeld said. He said he advised his client to not go outside into the courtyards at Rikers due to the risk of violence.


The jail is slated to close in 2027.

Anonymous ID: 203cb5 Jan. 10, 2023, 3:44 p.m. No.18119330   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9351 >>9353 >>9355 >>9539 >>9777 >>9945

Jim Jordan Goes Off on Democrats!


“We have a duty to get into these agencies and look at how they have been weaponized to go against the very people they’re supposed to represent, how they have infringed on First Amendment liberties of the American people. And we’re going to do that,” Jordan said on Fox News Sunday. “We’re going to do it in a way that’s consistent with the Constitution. But we’re going to do it vigorously. We’re going to do it aggressively. Because that’s our job.”

Anonymous ID: 203cb5 Jan. 10, 2023, 3:45 p.m. No.18119336   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9539 >>9777 >>9945

Harvey Weinstein appeals rape, sexual assault conviction


He was found guilty of a first-degree criminal sex act that occurred in 2006 in which he sexually assaulted production assistant Mimi Haleyi.


Former Hollywood mogul Harvey Weinstein on Tuesday asked the New York Court of Appeals to overturn his 2020 convictions for rape and sexual assault and grant a new trial.


Judge James Burke, Weinstein argues, gave in "to the pressure of an influential social movement determined to punish centuries of male misbehavior by setting an example in convicting one man," according to the New York Post.


"The trial judge disregarded basic rules of NY law and allowed into evidence acts of misconduct which prevented Mr. Weinstein from testifying in his own defense to powerfully proclaim his innocence," Weinstein lawyer Arthur Aidala told The Post. The judge allowed four women to testify about sexual misconduct allegations for which he did not face any charges.


Weinstein became the symbolic face of the #MeToo movement after numerous women came forward with allegations about misconduct.


He was found guilty of a first-degree criminal sex act that occurred in 2006 in which he sexually assaulted production assistant Mimi Haleyi. He was further convicted of third-degree rape of hairstylist Jessica Mann in a 2013 incident. He was, however, acquitted of predatory sexual assault and first-degree rape.


A Los Angeles jury found him guilty in December of 2022 on one count of rape and two counts of sexual assault in connection with separate incidents. In that trial, Weinstein's attorneys argued that transactional sex was normal in Hollywood and that his accusers had changed their stories to conform with the #MeToo narrative.


They further contended that Weinstein's accusers had sought professional benefits from their association with the producer and derided his appearance as evidence that their sexual interactions were the product of professional ambitions rather than lust.


"Look at my client. He's not Brad Pitt or George Clooney. Do you think these beautiful women had sex with him because he's hot? No, it's because he's powerful," attorney Mark Werksman said during the trial.

Anonymous ID: 203cb5 Jan. 10, 2023, 5:04 p.m. No.18119841   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9857 >>9868 >>9945

House creates Anti-CCP Committee, headed by Mike Gallagher


"Here's the good news: There is bipartisan consensus that the era of trusting communist China is over," House Speaker Kevin McCarthy said, praising the decision that was a major pillar of the Republicans' agenda for national security.


The House voted to create an Anti-CCP select committee on Tuesday, in an effort to assess and scrutinize China's military, economic and technological actions.


The committee will be headed by Wisconsin Rep. Mike Gallagher, who is steadfastly critical of China. Lawmakers voted 365-65 to establish the panel, Politico reports.


"Here's the good news: There is bipartisan consensus that the era of trusting communist China is over," House Speaker Kevin McCarthy said.


This decision shows that there is growing bipartisan distrust with the Asian nation, whose economy is the second largest in the world behind the US. McCarthy promised that Americans will "win this competition" with Beijing.


The establishment of this committee was the second measure passed by the GOP-led House.


Both Biden's and Trump's administrations had singled out China as the most significant long-term threat to the country's national security. The creation of this committee comes as Congress has approved massive military spending increases, and as the Chinese military threatens an invasion of Taiwan.


China launched a massive air and sea combat exercise around Taiwan on Sunday, fueling speculation that Beijing was looking to invade the island nation. Biden's National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan is hopeful that a war with China over the fate of Taiwan can be avoided, but that it would take "hard work."


Lawmakers also authorized billions in military aid for Taiwan in response to China's threatening behavior.


Gallagher's plan for the committee is to help separate the United States from its trade and economic ties with China, increase the US military posture, and to eliminate the theft of US intellectual property.


"It is time to understand the urgency of the threat. It is time to reclaim our economic independence in key areas," Gallagher said. "The select committee will expose the [Chinese Communist Party]'s coordinated whole-of-society strategy to undermine American leadership and American sovereignty while working on a bipartisan basis … to identify long-overdue, commonsense approaches to counter CCP aggression."


He is hoping to build a bipartisan consensus on China, with the plan being to put party lines to the side and work together to "prevent World War III from breaking out" and "to win this new Cold War with Communist China."

Anonymous ID: 203cb5 Jan. 10, 2023, 5:15 p.m. No.18119919   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9945

NYSP Sergeant Charged With Tipping Off Targets Of Gambling Investigation

Anonymous ID: 203cb5 Jan. 10, 2023, 5:17 p.m. No.18119931   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9941 >>9945

People’s Republic of China Citizen Indicted for Allegedly Stalking, Threatening Individual Promoting Democracy in China