Cummings is a disgrace. Can't be said too many times……the dems as a group are also a disgrace. But to half of my extended family, these losers are the bomb. Forget about trying to reason with them.
>>1812656 Separating fetuses from the world since Roe/Wade, millions. But they care soooooo much about children who swarmed here without their parents BECAUSE of the dems and their treason…….well known that a certain group of faux Americans will take them in over the border. No more!
>>1812772 I'm shocked, shocked I tell you.
You people with the lust fetish are not anons. Your interest is in the heat in your flesh and not in anything intellectual or spiritual.
VERY senior member in the text exchange (in which Page's "french" is not french; pronoun is wrong gender, viva is Spanish not French) → VERY senior member would be James Comey.
J C is someone else, Carlin?
"le resistance" → article "le" is masculine gender in French but "resistance" is feminine gender in Fench. Mismatch indicates non-French speaker.
Viva instead of Vive also indicates lack of French.