TY. I'll check it out.
And they weren't the first either.
Or walking up from Coyote ugly sex.
Note the date J597. 1,000 years added to our timeline.
Truman didn't think Kennedy was the man for the job. You think PDJT has it tough.He does too. But here's a once removed President trying to crush his nomination before it happened.
JFK was too smart and he knew how to punch back with a velvet hammer.
Pay attention. This is how to win a debate. The last paragraph was gold.
"And every president elevated to that office in the 20th century should have been ruled out. Including the three great democratic Presidents Woodrow Wilson, Franklin Roosevelt and Harry Truman himself"
No one ever asked Harry Truman why the first reports of FDR's death was a gunshot wound to the head. Announced in department stores in NY city.
Try to be calm. As magnetic north moves it takes the climate with it. MN takes the sun and the moon too. The whole shabang. 23,000 years for a full cycle. You've got plenty of time. As a matter of fact America has more than some.
I'd need to examine them for authenticity. Like baseball card.
Exactly what it is. Perverted adult.