Autoimmunity is when the immune system "wrongly" attacks apparently healthy tissue. However, the cells being destroyed might have indicators suggesting to the immune system that the cells are "foreign enemy" or "rogue". The bottom line is that the immune response is so strong and so constant that it ends up damaging the body itself.
Now consider the social and political situation in the US. Isn't this a bit like a nationwide "autoimmune" disease?
Likewise, if COVID-19 injections are causing massive destruction to human bodies, in part by initiating autoimmunity, is there an analogous social/political process that is producing strife in America?
Protect your DNA. Is our social/political DNA being compromised? Is the US Constitution under attack as a part of destroying our nation's DNA? I think so.
I'm far from expert on this, but maybe the bottom line is if you can test the results. Mike Adams of Natural News did a bunch of tests and I think Zero Water did very well. I have a couple of their set-ups and one of them has a working TDS (total dissolved solids, not the other thing) tester.
Whether I get my water filtered from the health food store, store bought, or from a home filter I can use the TDS tester. Now of course, that small tester likely has limits or could be inaccurate. However, once I get a low reading (Zero Water says to replace at 6) I am reasonably comfortable with the water.
Recently, when I measured TDS in tap water I think it was around 250. If I use one of my lesser filters and its, say 200, it is still better, but maybe not better enough.
Some alternatives you might want to consider: Berkey (I have a travel version) and Primo. A family member had the cooler and I bought a couple of bottles. The description on the bottles said minerals added for taste and when I tested with the TDS the measurement was 11.
I hope this helps. I plan to have multiple sources, a bunch saved and I'm still looking at methods of collection and purification.
Btw, I reuse old water bottles, even putting tap water in. I wrote out the amount of chlorine or iodine needed on a little paper for sanitation. I don't know if this is all that great, but if I was concerned about dehydration, it might be the alternative I'd have.
MMS, now that is a whole 'nuther thing you might want to look at and not only for purification.
The only one that apparently has a problem with organ harvesting from infants? In that case, God bless Cuellar.
An interesting thought just occurred to me. What if "cures" (maybe more like antidotes) get released because the liability for the damage done by Big Pharma, Big Ag, etc is so great that it would be easier and better to help people get better rather than provide financial damages and care for the rest of the victims lives? The lawsuits going forward against Tylenol are just the beginning I think. However, it's pretty obvious that cures have been hidden, too. Of course, those "in the know" still need to be criminally prosecuted and victims need compensation, but it would be much better for all if anything that can be done to recover the victims is made available. Beyond that would be simply the miraculous (which I have no doubt is real).
It is time to deny tax revenue to entities that kill Americans. Period.
The fact that Planned Parenthood can support Democrats with tax dollars is inexcusable.
I think that the "baby parts" business for "research" is a huge, covered up industry. It turns human bodies (no matter how small) into a commodity. Shameful and evil. A lot of the dead children's tissues are used in "vaccine" R&D. Meaning the satanic goop ("vaccines") injected into the vast majority of newborns often includes the remains of murdered children. After years of use those "immortalized cell lines" (read "cancerous") are significantly mutated. I wonder if a lot of pediatric cancers are initiated this way. Don't take my word for it, however. How about checking out the rare ethical stem cell researcher:
In other news:
To be clear, this lawsuit was not the one brought by the attorney in the Virgin Islands who is now fired?