Offtopic; Anon felt an urge to post some little history.
According to the Sumerian texts, astronauts known as the Righteous Ones of the Rocketships (Dingir) [aka: Those of Heaven Who Are on Earth (Anunnaki)] came to Earth from their home planet Nibiru about 450,000 years ago (432,000 years before the deluge). Splashing down in the Arabian Sea [during second glacial period, ice sheets extended the coastlines; the Persian Gulf was a marsh; texts report some of the navigator-astronauts wore fish-like attire (Berossus)], arriving at the head of the Persian Gulf, in southern Mesopotamia, the first land party consisting of 50 Anunnaki established there the first Earth station, Home in Faraway Built (Eridu) [sim.translations of “encampment/settled earth”: Hebrew (eretz); Kurdish (erd/ertz); Aramaic (aratha/ereds); Persian (ordu); German (erde) Icelandic (jordh) Danish (jord); Gothic (Airtha); Middle English (Erthe)]. They named the region Land of the Lord of the Rockets (Kiengir) [Akkadian: Land of the Guardians (Shumer; Sumer)]