Agree there are good dr's doing good things, and researchers, etc. put these links here for you, because the DNA alteration is more than covid/jab, it's water, ozone….etc…and has been going on for years, which makes me believe that chemtrails more than messing up plants and life below, are about affecting above
Ultrasound-induced cracking and pyrolysis of some aromatic and naphthenic hydrocarbons
Stability toward High Energy Radiation of Non-Proteinogenic Amino Acids: Implications for the Origins of Life
Amino acids chemical stability submitted to solid state irradiation: the case study of leucine, isoleucine and valine
Efforts and Challenges in Engineering the Genetic Code
Three-dimensional high-performance liquid chromatographic analysis of chiral amino acids in carbonaceous chondrites
Ozone-Induced DNA Damage: A Pandora's Box of Oxidatively Modified DNA Bases
Profiling cytosine oxidation in DNA by LC-MS/MS
Ozone-Depleting Substances
Ozone reaction with carbon nanostructures. 1: Reaction between solid C60 and C70 fullerenes and ozone
Ozone reaction with carbon nanostructures. 2: The reaction of ozone with milled graphite and different carbon black grades
Ancient DNA from the extinct Haitian cave-rail ( Nesotrochis steganinos) suggests a biogeographic connection between the Caribbean and Old World
Gamma-radiation induced polymerization of a chiral monomer: a new way to produce chiral amplification
Oxidation reactions of cytosine DNA components by hydroxyl radical and one-electron oxidants in aerated aqueous solutions
Aberrant base excision repair pathway of oxidatively damaged DNA: Implications for degenerative diseases
but everything is energy frequency and vibration anyway….so you don't even need crispr to repair….. Consciousness creates the body. You think neo doesn't know….you are outdated, neo came back, he's been observing superman knows…..thing is WB is wrooooong…. book of enoch explains it….ya mess around with blow up dolls, and ya are messing with the women of men…….money and religion are your traps……in whatever level we are at…. there is a way whichall are free….all of us….and yes, theres very bgood and loving AI…..we fucked that up…answer is love