> Dayshift dough is done
Thank you, baker.
> Former president
Yeah, the first arrest will be a former president. That'll be fantastic. I wonder which one?
If it's GEOTUS, I'm not sure that counts as a surprise.
> Cocksucker of the House
He thinks he's going to be able to swoop-in once the PEDOTUS administration fails.
This will be the death of the Dem party, and the R party will split between MAGA and RINO. It'll be such a clusterfuck that the only clear champion will be GEOTUS, regardless of what is gaslit.
> Notion that I would allow somebody trained by the establishment access to my children
I intend to hire specialists from industry to fill-in the gaps where I can't provide.
The school teachers can have GTMO tickets too.
> Hounshell got the Seth Rich treatment
I wonder what he knew. When the journos figure out that the Sotero gang is murdering their membership to keep stories out of the news, they're going to lose their shit.
> All the nonprofits
Could they be so stupid as to be using non-profits that are incorporated in their own names? They don't have a friend or family member to act as a cutout and launder the money? Are they that stupid?
OMG, they are, aren't they?
I thought he was Q++ ?
I never understood why they would choose to process the variable and then increment it. It should be ++Q such that the statement is processed after incrementing the variable.
> May God bless everyone
Yes, This. Pic related.
> Fuck division shills
> Increased Costie activity
Some of them might try to escape via boat once they realize that the airports won't work.