local news running fluff. weather. Friday 13th anniversary. local anchor on tippitoes.
pretty stringent/restrictive on the poontang. do moar OK sergeant
that a question oar order
its knot eve hard anymoar. the waves make wake eh
payroll. socks.
jane you ignorant sloot
kel in knot communism
out in the seas i saw a dome.
rhe airducks are dirty
do 44,000 all at the same time oar show 88,000 pleaidian TOGTFO
blip. blop. bloop
15:17 on the skoolbus home. reporting for duty. seen it.
how to insert capital leadderrs
do 17 ft of snow
now. orange man bad makes the vaxxxis take the ingestion. driven like a corvette by fake news. do the antidote how many months into zombies.wgute hats vs. Grey hats (government employees)[ pensions]
white hats need to step up
take 2 shots of antifreeze to keep the warmth inside in the cold weather.. repeat fore warmth on an empty stomach
sleep with an axe and a brian full of horsepaste.
keK noight faggots
mets/stem cell spare