said the gang nigger
never trust a poo
or a chink, or a jewish nigger
long story short everyone wants to rape, pillage, and kill white people
no, it's because no one likes niggers, pakis, chinks or jews
so anyone, aka everyone, who doesn't like niggers, pakis, chinks or jews is a shill?
only a shill would accuse someone of being a shill for having the common sense to not like niggers, pakis, chinks and jews.
deep shit state has no power here
typical defender of low iq pakis and niggers that will rape the world so chinks can walk in and take it
there is no paycheck besides avoiding the world being raped by pakis, niggers, chinks and jews
the truth is ugly
pakis niggers chinks and the chosen fuckface jews will uglify the world, look at their shithole countries and culture, their DNA speaks for itself
it's not an accusation and i can say whatever i want here. it's a fact that niggers pakis chinks and jews are fucking ugly and stupid. everyone knows it just no one has the balls to say it.
fucking ugly lizard looking people
imagine a leader of a white nation hired and trusted the chinkiest looking motherfucker in a position of power
the person who did that must be a traitor or something
>Free speech does not mean free from consequences of said speech
don't even get me started on a full 5,000 character speech on niggers. for every 1 good nigger there is 5,000 of them raping your mother and daughter and a bunch of pakis jerking off to it
give it up adl, you don't like it when you plan is being called out
go back to the safe spaces you paid and bought for outside of 8kun you chosen fuckface ADL tranny faggot nigger
biden is the actor, [their] narrative is the movie. everything else is real and [they] will hang and worse - victors write the history as you all know
yeah and their shitstain leaders fucked everything up for everyone else. they can all go back to their shitholes and trip over their own shit themselves into a dumpster fire which they do anyways.
even once you get past the argument that niggers pakis chinks and fuckface chosen jews are 'good' which is maybe like 1 or 2 of them. it doesn't change the fact that they are fucking ugly and stink
i don't sense anything from you besides possibly nigger rape baby genes
did not deny being product of nigger rape
said the 1 inch dicked chink jew hybrid, can't even break a hymen with that size and end a girl's virginity. i have a healthy and robust 6 incher, thick too, veins.
i don't even like saying nigger chink paki or jew but the truth hurts. they are rapists, ugly, and fucking stupid confirmed by decades of anecdotal evidence and 100% of people agreeing with me. even niggers dont like niggers.
this is a fucking cunt that expects people to be cucked to the opinion of whatever ADL and chinks throw on top of everyone else
who the fuck is india? their flag has a literal butthole on it
only a shill tries to change script to deceive, my script is facts and worth repeating
are you trying to tell me what this place is?
>I'll let you figure that one out all on your own
first thing of what u say i like
i'm entitled to like my opinion, man. absolutely fucking nigger paki chinks jewish fuckfaces tho, like SERIOUSLY if u don't see it then you're the nigger paki chink jewish fuckface or a product of its rape
lizard face, octupus pussy, and nigger colored nipples and labia - gross
trudeau is a product of whore mom raped by a cuban - how is it a surprise he doesn't mind watching the world get raped by niggers and pakis, then he would feel like he finally fits in
tune in tomorrow around this time
incest is actually fine but somehow made illegal, you wouldn't understand unless you have an attractive family. ever wonder why people have MILF / daddy fantasies? incest is how we all got here. other people fucking with your family (property) through rape, kidnapping or murder is not ok.
schools teaching your kids that faggotry is normal is an abomination.
i'd fuck my cousin over a nigger or paki anyday.
enjoy your mom and daughters rape by pakis, niggers, and chinks
jews suck baby cock after they're circumcised we can talk about that if u want
even if it's consensual it's a dominant genes raping of recessive genes. rape is in a nigger's DNA, literally. also is the jew's nose.
With the other option available being niggers, pakis, chinks and mexican goblins? lmao
Incest is the way of the Greek gods. Does life imitate art or art imitate life? Yeah if your family is full of retards you're gunna produce more of them.
is observation illegal?