What’s in the bags on floor?
Good meme
I heard there was a robbery near her home… a ‘food’ deliver person
Was Elvis gay?
Those boys look sad
Her hubby/handler was at least 10 years older
Kids are having sex and babies at 12 years old today
Many black girls have babies at 14
Who’s the dad? A 21 yo
Jerry Lee had way more talent than Elvis
He could write songs and play the piano
The Killer!
I bet Jerr Lee songs get played more today than Elvis’
Who raped and impregnated Oprah when she was 12pr 13?
Just saying that I hear Lee’s great balls of fire and whole Lois shakin all the time.
Can’t remember when I heard an Elvis anytime recently anywhere except at Christmas
Alford had some dance moves
Has Elvis left the bread yet?
Every thing as we knew it was fake
Has Elvis left the bread yet?
President Obama, did you know Joe Biden was corrupt when you chose him for VP?
Why not? Didn’t you vet him?
I when did you learn he was corrupt?
Did you still allow him access to top secrets?
What did you mean by “leave it to Joe to F things up’?
Obama hire 11 or 13 lawyers?
where will they find docs today?
Trump asked if Joe's house and the White House should be raided?
My guess is the White House in boxes in living quarters.
and where is the National Archives?
don't they know what is missing?
com'on guys, tell us what Joe has!