> He'll claim that he doesn't know jack edition
Thank you, baker.
> The CDC is about to acknowledge that the job has killed everyone who took it
We must prepare ourselves to serve others. The people around you are going to be going to be tearing themselves to pieces over this new revelation, and we can assume that about 4-6% will never accept what's happened. We can't help them, but that leaves a lot of room for others.
> Dubs
You're welcome. I shall continue to share scenes of beauty and pathos.
> An AI to decipher
This place may be artificial, and I'm not sure it's intelligent, but it's where the decoding happens.
> Trips
> Timing and gunsalute
Yes, we remarked upon this at the time.
> Blaming GEOTUS
That's one of two moves Pete can make. He can blame senility and take the 25th, or claim that GEOTUS had the stuff planted in his garage.
That would really wake up the normies.
> Hunting
Oh, treason
is the reason
for huntin' season
this fall.
> Harsh reality
Unfortunately, this is not a surprise. They have never done anything but betray and murder us. That's why the Defense Department was created.
It's why the Federal Government was created.
> Percentages
Per Dr. Death, sixty-eight percent of the population accepted the injection. We are told that four-to-six percent will never snap out of it. The current number lies somewhere in between.
Currently trying to redpill my father with the Fox article.
Gott mit uns.
> A better estimate
I understand that exit polling in Arizona indicate that only 17% of voters actually voted for Katie Hobbs, indicating that the 49% number is bogus.
And since half of Americans already don't vote, that means maybe eight or nine percent of the population is still drinking the Kool Aide. Of the ones who are no longer supportive of the regime, it remains to be see how many of them will throw-in with the partisan volunteers.
The only difference between a Viet Cong resister and a Vietnamese farmer is what is inside his head.