Fauci is on Faux right now.
Do fully vaccinated beagles require their vocal chords cut?
She was always the trashiest Madonna wannabe. KEK! Paid how much I wonder.
No, pretty sure anons don't even consider that a coincidence. It's just that petty race baiting and impotent ethnic accusations are indolent 'round these parts.
I think I read something somewhere about spike proteins coming out through shingles lesions. Lemme see if I can find the sauce again if I'm remembering correctly.
>>18138966 (me; cont)
Fount it.
Persistent varicella zoster virus infection following mRNA COVID-19 vaccination was associated with the presence of encoded spike protein in the lesion
Mayuko Yamamoto MD, PhD,ย Misaki Kase MD,ย Hozumi Sano MD,ย Reiko Kamijima,ย Shigetoshi Sano MD, PhD
First published: 25 August 2022
Mustache forgot to put his butthurt salve on before going on the air.
I think I'll bbq some hotdogs tonight.
Uh, yeah, nah. Real hotdogs on a bun with ketchup and mustard and onions. Not Barry's kind of hotdog.
Good manners, Mustache? Like the kind of manners that Ghislaine is teaching other inmates in jail? Oh, my bad, that's etiquette, not manners.
Pornfag NPC is back.