Anonymous ID: 0dc6a0 Jan. 13, 2023, 3:30 p.m. No.18139358   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9465 >>9510

















Anonymous ID: 0dc6a0 Jan. 13, 2023, 3:50 p.m. No.18139465   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9466 >>9510 >>9520 >>9527



Friday the 13th


Tonight satan falls from heaven [Embed]


the sound cicadas make is like,



whenever jason is about to kill someone in the movies

this sound plays [Embed]

s s s s s ch ch ch ch ch


It all begins with Luke 10:18, the beginning of the End

Because it is the 6th of the 7 thunders from Revelation

If the Goodman of the House had known on what hour

the Robbers were coming he would of watched and

would not of suffered his house to be broken into

and those servants in the Harvest of the Lord who

all got paid the same AND were found watching..

Matthew 24:27-28.

the 7th thunder will happen when I die and the

anti christ arrives causing the sun to rise at night

when lightning strikes from east to west in about

40 days

Jesus Christ will come with the Clouds 3 and 1/2 days after my death to recieve

the 1st Ressurection and Rapture and Leave unto the Wedding supper of the Lamb

Which will take place during the 3 days of darkness on earth which begins right after

the rapture

I have to travel through it with my friends by lamplight to get to the Bridal Chamber

during the 3 days of darkness but virtually nobody else can be outside during it

from there its 1335 days of Great Tribulation, after the week to remember.

I'll die at the beginning of that week. 1335 days is 3 years 7 Months 27 Days

that is how long the anti christ bears sway

My Death Shall Bring

I've got the Ark of the Covenant in Michigan and the Key to all three pages of Thomas J Beales famous nation

independance cypher which is a KJV bible and the first 17 pages explain the Ark of the Covenant buried under

my bank being given to me with the 300,000 lbs of gold and silver and biblical artifacts Israel 2nd Baruch 6 6-9

Isaiah 51:12 style and I'm blowing my bank up tonight with the direct current my First Love and I make when we

stop alternating, who died 1290 days before we met God and became His two witnesses like 1250 days ago

The 6th Thunder and Snow White 6

When I get back the gold and silver in my stone foundation 4 miles deep or so will be exposed and right there

but the power wil go out WW and russia and china will invade, the bear will leave its cave forever,

Anonymous ID: 0dc6a0 Jan. 13, 2023, 3:58 p.m. No.18139510   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9520



Ezra 3&4 style EMP CME

Long story


The Canary in the Coalmine

La palma will blow and likely wreck the east

coast and yellowstone, california seattle ny

florida basically get armed be prepared

get out of the citys off the coasts


10 days of darkness

Nothing Can Stop What Is Coming


the market will crash and a financial transition will begin the second this happens

silver and gold will explode but they will be a giant short lived trojan horse for USDC

crypto vaxpass


Seek the LORD while He can be found


Come Out Of Babylon

Anonymous ID: 0dc6a0 Jan. 13, 2023, 4:06 p.m. No.18139546   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9611


The End of the Day of Godlessness has all but arrives and the Day of the Lord is At Hand


Engraved in my Palms



three space heaters a giant toaster oven

a real oven a can of beans filled with rubbing

alcohol on fire and a bunsen burner in a box

for when I run out of rubbing alchol


dark winter