Anonymous ID: b4076e Jan. 14, 2023, 1:15 a.m. No.18141990   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1996 >>2009

I am not going to do what I don't want to unless I absolutely must. Sometimes I am aroused, physically. I am not obsessed with anyone in particular, I just love a woman, even if she "is a man" in a lot of ways; good. That's what I kind of wanted in a partner anyway. It's awesome that some people are similar to myself. Happiness. I don't feel rejected, and this is great! First time, in a long time, I have acquainted with a new female friend that I don't want to have sex with, even though I would, if she wanted to… ;-) Not to mention she is a little too young for me, intimately, which is also really cool! Normally guys my age are made fun of for hanging out with younger people; it's creepy to us, sort of. Although, I will admit, she is definitely more mature for her age than the people I've interacted with at her age level. She's probably watching me type this right now, kek, so be nice to her… faggots/fems. She could be an infiltrator gone rogue trying to mole her way into our inner sanctums, kek, so watch out for SHEILD activity! I know SHEILD likes her, in a, "I'm going to rough you up if you go near my man, unles he comes onto you" style. I'm probably incorrect about that. My fakeoFrenia is having a field day with all of us tonight, kek! The nation is still having a fight over speed? Kekekekekekekekekekekekekek!!!! ROFL! AYLMAO!


Sorry, sorry… -wipes up tear- Kek! They are debating our adult ADHD, but they'll pump our children up with practically fucking dopamine agonists woven into the name brand? Generic? Dextro+Levo!? Give me a fucking break!

The 80's ended with the cokeGasms… didn't they call them CrackBabies? What do they mean by that? Born addicted to crack cocaine? You mean to tell me that the pregnant mother is doing blasts of her dealers rocks with a baby boppin' around inside her womb, and she doesn't disclose that the psychoactive effects of the dopaminergic over-stimulated synaptic firing are now synergistically enhanced due to having ANOTHER spawning consciousness literally within vitro of the onset, plateau, and come down? Using a pregnancy as a coke comedown cushion? Forget speedballs ladies! Just invaginate your dead-beat pimps COVID-23 candidates for BannedParenthood before you have to start asking his family for a crowdsourced abortion fund! I wonder what coke-infused CSF from an aborted STEM cell donor stinks like? Mmm, like a New York BarbyQ, which is 'frowned-upon' on elevated subway platforms.


I digress, my raving rant of preposterousness still doesn't provide relief in regard to scratching the surface on this VERY REAL spiritual + soul war [mind/body/spirit complex]. If anything, it only aggravates it, at worst. At best, (You), my fellow anon, will relate, like we've always in these rough patches, of subjucated weakness, generously provided, regulated, and maintained by our 'hurts-us-in-a-loving-sort-of-way' benefactors. They really do care about [US], ya know? I feel it, amongst the pain, and dysphoric smog. The concern for us, is absolutely present, and I, for one, am grateful for, whatever it is truly worth, minus the distractions and disinfo.


We know what we are fighting for, researching truth for, praying to a higher power for, and that's what is keeping some of us, [FOCUS]ed on what is most important and of the most crucial priority. Despite the intentions woven within the headspaces of those whom pretend to be misinformed, while quite possibly in cahoots with this polyOperational endeavor, and may be swayed by that which doesn't have the best intentions for all those appearing to be working in parallel to the rest of [US]. We may have some personal infighting occurring, and it's inevitable in my opinion. People aren't always ready to accept the truths that were always hard to swallow; we've just gotten accustomed to the wretched rips & tears that remains in our throats on it's descension down asunder into the core of us [ALL].


"The tears he cries, we swallow." - SHEILD


saucy OP link-


Where we go one, we go all!


