And leave out immune systems reason deaths infection pneumonias cancers and other things all skyrocketing not to mention the injury and deducting in life span. Myocarditis has a terrible prognosis. I read a study that nearly all people injected have evidence of heart scaring. This will be causing and increase in deaths over a decade. And if they keep giving it in perpetuity. Nobody cares though enjoy that show!
How is every agency so ducking hopelessly shit? Wtf happened to people everywhere it’s unreal.
Yes but we assume equal competition, sound money and not corrupt government and not colluding monopolies controlling everything. You see once there is no hope for the average person to get anywhere other that a wage slave for the rest of their life they check out too.
Socialism and communism aren’t about making everything the same as much as they have spun that kn modern people propaganda. It’s about making somethings like the essential of life state controlled or the profits staying in the community. What’s the difference between what we have now are Russia communism? A small clique of monopolistic totalitarians have control of everything there is no difference. No the bankers are squeezing rather than reform to keep everyone working non stop for the wealthy.
I’m not a socialist you can’t even read. You have been so propagandize to suck amaericas dick you can’t even see what I’m saying. You have a bastardized and corrupt system that constantly reininforces meritocracy but is the furthest thing from it. You have incredible corruption and monopolies price fixing and colliding and private banking printing fiat…you don’t have fuckingncapitalism as you imagine in your utopian image it…fucking moron you hear socialism and freak out your so propagandize x don’t even know how your system works.
That’s all I’m saying. Modern capitalism is very distant to what people imagine it to be and long for. Also some things have always been socialized so you have always had a mix as all societies do.
Take your vax there’s no hope for you.
I agree and have to be careful with reformative ideas as mankind may simply be unable to move toward a more decent form of capital and resource management. This literally may be the best we can do due to our nature. Dream we may but progress may not be necessarily even attempted.
Starting in the 70 productivity has continuously exponentially increased but real wages have stayed nearly constant.
This generation now is the most productive and least compensated in modern history. The boomers can’t accept fault they can’t think for a second they did any thing wrong but they taught their children nothing of the threats of the world sat them in front of tv and ignored the shit out them.
The homeostatic model can be applied to the body politic even better. Capitalism is really just an opinion about who gets to decide where to put resources. It makes sense because they take the risk and competition is supposed to keep them kosher. But profit alone I think in any sensible persons mind is not the only place to expend resources and that why capitalism is fundamentlly impossible to address everything especially where they are essential to society or have conflicts of interests.