Oh, mighty powers that cower:
What has Israel done for God, our Father, lately?
The mouthpieces of the world are square in their hands.
What good has Israel done the world? What kindness has it shown? What Love? What peace has it tendered, really?
How is it so weak that it must remain the perpetual victim over centuries now?
O Israel, what have you done for God lately, that didn't benefit yourselves, and only yourselves?
Did you forget your 10 commandments? Or all your covenants?
What if, in truth, all souls are created equal? What will you do then? What good karma do you have coming your way?
Why are you so self-entitled that you induce your puppets in the US to pass laws against those who would speak against you and the evil you perpetuate? Some of us walking the Earth heard the cry of thousands of souls on 911 as they rose to meet our Maker. Should that be forgotten?
You think your evil won't be discovered?
The only chosen of God are those who choose to work for him. And apparently, that is not you.
Are you so humble that you wouldn't tout one good deed to the world?
Have you taught 3+ billion people not to shit in the oceans yet?
Have you told the peoples of the world that Earth's atmosphere is collapsing?
What if the next pandemic you unleash upon the world only kills you? Will you paint your doorsteps with lamb's blood in hope of passover?
When you play with systems you don't fully understand, mistakes happen.
Fixed Math, Living Math and our Father, Maker of the Math. And still you understand none of it, in spite of the "great Jewish brain."
What happened to those other ten tribes, by the way? What if they choose to work for God?