>>18143678 lb
>>18143652 lb
>>18143630 lb
the want to replace him with someone worse, as they did with Cuomo
>>18143611 pb
>>18143678 lb
>>18143652 lb
>>18143630 lb
the want to replace him with someone worse, as they did with Cuomo
>>18143611 pb
>>18143652 lb
Vigano was a bait and switch hang-out
Never protected JFK either
And gave passage for NAZI , including Adolf, to South America
Quite the NAZI mentality of intolerance exhibited by the cleric.
Especially considering all the PEDOS .. gay PEDOS and gay clerics in his Church.
Wasn't NEGOPONTE the brother of the man who paid for the MIT Media project allegedly in charge of the hit squad in Argentina for the Military Junta there?
What a coincidence; The present POOP is Argentinian?
Where did all the NAZI go after WW2, beside to the United States?
Why is Prescott Bush giving Nazi salute?
but don't the docs show the corruption, as in receipts for bribery?
already answered.
Not by the civil system
There's a method in the Constitution for removing a POTUS;
It starts with Impeachment, then trial
The founders wanted to protect the office of POTUS because they knew a Conspiracy, as what happened against Trump, was very likely.
after the cult killed JFK they passed the 25th amendment - which makes it a trivial thing to remove a POTUS
That's why Trump was constrained for his entire term.
So easy it would've been for them.
He made it hard.
After the POTUS is out of office, then there can be criminal charges; as what they are trying to do now, to Trump
"not by the civil system"
was the correct answer.
Otherwise, by Military Tribunal
3 out of 5 were wrong answers
can be removed by Impeachment, as anon mentioned
the sauce is the Constitution, if you bother to read it.
impeachment, then trial.
as I wrote.
Criminal charges once the POTUS leaves office - as what they prepare for Trump
lies about Trump
worships Obama.
just sayn' Not all he shares is bad
But it's a HANGOUT
admitted several times, on camera, that he works for Mossad "the Good Mossad"
ya, as soon as their getting caught
but the news isn't real
pretty transparent.
No arrest while seated.
virtue signal much?
they've really lowered the standard for Impeachment; supposed to be high crimes. Now it's lying about a blowjob. Or making a phone call and in passing inquire about a Bribery case, that may impact national security- asking if it was true or not.
Sorry if anon wasn't clear.
Complete answer was
"Not by a Civil Court."
Since a Military Court could do it.
"Military is the only way"? in our present circumstance?
And then hold elections and re-institute our Constitution on solid ground.
the other text was just about how to remove him or her, if they were a serious criminal; as Biden is.
Military can step in if the POTUS is working for a foreign government and is an imminent danger to the Republic.
but if the process had not been corrupted, as it has been, the charges for Impeachment and removal laughable and so have discredited the whole process of Impeachment.
If America was healthy The Treasonous POTUS would be subject to impeachment for authentic High Crimes.
stealing the election and taking the Country on Fraudulent grounds "usurp" "theft" "Coup" would be grounds for immediate action for removal in a normal functioning of the Republic.
See vidrel
Congress is in on it; all of it -a senile corrupt pedo can sit in the office of
POTUS? Only with the collaboration of a large criminal conspiracy
If the process of Impeachment had not been corrupted, as it has been, making the charges for Impeachment and removal laughable discreditably the whole process of Impeachment. itself?
Perhaps then, Impreachment move would make sense.as it is, it's a non starter because the crooks have been stealing elections, so almost all we have are their stooges.
what was introduced? I missed that part.
was away.
were the ft. Bragg arrests connected to Biden?
Where is Impeachment when you need it?
Here's ANTIFA planning, inside the Capital Bld. Jan 6