Watch The Waves
It's time for anons to start thinking in waves. I can testify to this as a targeted individual having first hand experiences, let me explain. The same people who deny chem trails and bio engineering are the foot soldiers of the same group who are attacking us with spike proteins bio weapons.
It was first utilized on 911 where besides nano thermite these agents were embedded into the buildings. This way as the towers fell, not only would it distribute throughout the crime scene but would seriously affect all workers and witnesses. I know this because I experienced a skin break out of these spike proteins after serving. Next, in order for any worker to receive compensation from the funds that were setup, applicants first had to go get checked out and inoculated by their crony doctors who would inject them with these spike proteins.
This is why over 90% of G0 workers are no longer with us; just lying shills. These bio weapons have been sprayed on the populace since those days. Now they have put them into vaccines and are planning on putting them into the food and water supplies.
Here is where the waves come in. I have dealt with foot soldiers who deny chem trails, even when you point them out in the sky and tell them; that is not a con trail in a few hours it will expand into a thin cloud obscuring the (disinfecting) sun light; check it out. When you explain to them that you do not have the means to contaminate the tops of 100 foot trees, discreetly, they won't accept it. And to top if off, if you tell them to go type into google "Trump China Dust" they won't do it even you follow up a few times.
What this tells you is that, they have an agenda to not recognize the truth. Why? Because they want to justify their nefarious actions. These spike proteins are agitated by waves. Waves come in the form of not only 5G but some of these foot soldiers are using special high intensity lights of which light is just a "Wave" in essence. Sound can also generate frequencies which are also "Waves".
How the spikes do damage: Think of these spikes as a bunch of microscopic tangeled fish hooks in the major systems of the body: Cardiovascular system, Respiratory system, Digestive system, Urinary system, Endocrine system, Skeletal system, Muscular system, Lymphatic system. When these spikes are moved they cause defensive fluids and inflamations to coagulate where ripping has occured.
The Havannah syndrome is just these things combined using array technologies. Microwaves work by to opposing emitters generating waves that oscillate causing a friction heating implosion. The foot soldiers are utilizing these techniques, whether waves or microwaves working in groups, to attack targeted individuals and the "GGG" populace, The "General Georgia Guidestone" populace.
Just because God destroyed the Georgia Guidestones, do no not think that enemy will recognize God's hand, when in fact many of you don't.