Thanks Baker
This is what it looks like when the 4am talking points are off line and media conglomerates have to 'think for themselves'. Anons are the news now.
Thanks Baker
This is what it looks like when the 4am talking points are off line and media conglomerates have to 'think for themselves'. Anons are the news now.
When does 'alternate news' become the most trusted news?
When does 'fake news' become the 'alternate news'?
Hold the line anons.
US House / Freedom Caucus / McCarthy (captured)
Beginning of restoral of faith in public governance.
A clean house is important.
Budget crisis coming - debt ceiling.
Myth - The GOP led house has no strength from which to negotiate.
Fact - The GOP must sign off on the debt ceiling increase or the Government shuts down.
Buh bye IRS Agents. Buh bye treasury looters.
Question - Who runs the House? Who REALLY runs the House?
Homosexuality is the biggest 'fuck you' to women in the history of humanity.
Kek - case by case basis?
What happens to 'we are the news now' when 4am talking points get cancelled?
Handle with care anons.
Anons are looking for 'revolutionary', not 'radical'. Anons WANT this to last to 2025 and out. Permanent change is change + time. Temporary change is change without time. Learn why we are here. Learn why it has to take a long time. Freedom = recipe to be followed. Just like you can't have 9 1 month pregnancies, you can't overthrow the government in 3 or 4 years. Think our enemies patience - [they've] been trying to take America since Andrew Jackson botched assassination.
You are the news now. Handle with care.
It should be noted that Andrew Jackson beat his assailant so bad with his cane that the perpetrator had to be immediately taken for medical treatment.
[They] cast their spells.
Anons broke their spells.
The world is magical. God is magical.
Spiritual forces of Nature that drive Nature and the World.
Breaking spells and puncturing falsehood is what anons do.
Digital Information Warfare.
Then one day you wake up and realize your life is 'The Truman Show' on steroids.