Anonymous ID: 8fe980 June 19, 2018, 10:35 a.m. No.1814778   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>4810 >>5101 >>5200

John P. Carlin is the common denominator in the Russian dossier fiasco. Carlin was a Senior Justice Department official in charge of the National Security Department (NSD). The Department of Justice is responsible for prosecuting federal crimes.


As head of the National Security Division, Carlin oversaw 400 employees. His department was responsible for protecting the country against international and domestic terrorism, espionage, cyber, and other national security threats.


Carlin's other duties were:


Providing legal oversight of the NSA's surveillance activities (National Security Agency)


Representing the government before the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court (FISA) and the Committee on Foreign Investments


Acting as lead investigator into breaches of public and private sector e-mail systems and protocol (like Hillary Clinton's email leaks and her private access given to others of non-secure top secret information)


Overseeing the investigations and prosecution of espionage cases, and cases involving the illegal export of military and strategic commodities (like Uranium One)


Managing cases of foreign hacking into domestic computer systems (like attempting to rig the election of a U.S. President)


Selecting, approving, and allowing top security clearances for 70 private contractors like Fusion GPS and CrowdStrike to have unrestricted access to the nation's surveillance data (which the court ruled to be illegal)


Writing and signing FISA warrants (see page 31 of attached):


Approving surveillance of 30,055 American citizens during the 2016 Presidential Campaign (which the court ruled to be illegal)


Who is John P. Carlin?


Carlin was โ€œa trusted and tireless leaderโ€, said Loretta Lynch, former Attorney General under President Barack Obama.


Carlin is pictured above on the left. He is standing next to his bosses, Loretta Lynch (sitting down), and James Comey (standing, right). President Barack Obama appointed Lynch Attorney General, and Comey FBI Director.


"Nobody in a Senior Department post resigns three weeks before an election when you think Hillary Clinton is going to win," said Joe diGenova. He is a former Special Prosecutor from the District of Columbia who has a private law practice. One of diGenova's clients is President Donald J. Trump.


Yet Carlin quit. Why?


"The answer is simple. It is all about the dossier", said diGenova. The Russian dossier "is a collection of field interviews", said Glenn Simpson. His company, Fusion GPS, wrote it.


The FBI paid for it. The Hillary Clinton Campaign for President bought it too and paid $12.4 million for it. What it cost the FBI is unknown pending public information disclosure law suits.