Anonymous ID: dbdf99 June 19, 2018, 10:39 a.m. No.1814844   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4862

Some facts about JPC here


John P. Carlin, former Assistant Attorney General for the U.S. Department of Justice’s(DOJ) National Security Division (NSD), chairs Morrison & Foerster’s global risk andcrisis management team and advises industry-leading organizations in sensitivecyber and other national security matters, white collar investigations, and governmentenforcement actions.Mr. Carlin has served as a top-level official in both Republican and Democraticadministrations, most recently as Assistant Attorney General for National Security, theDOJ’s highest-ranking national security lawyer. In this capacity, for which Mr. Carlinwas nominated by the President and overwhelmingly confirmed by the Senate on abipartisan basis, he oversaw nearly 400 employees responsible for protecting thenation against terrorism, espionage, and cyber and other national security threats.Under his leadership, the NSD:•Created a threat analysis team to study potential national security challengesposed by the Internet of Things;•Launched a nationwide outreach effort across industries to raise awareness ofnational security, cyber, and espionage threats against American companies andencourage greater C-suite involvement in corporate cyber security matters;•Oversaw DOJ’s Counterintelligence and Export Control Section, responsible forinvestigating and prosecuting espionage cases, cases involving the illegal exportof military and strategic commodities, and cases involving certain cyber-relatedactivity;•Brought an unprecedented indictment against five members of the Chinese militaryfor economic espionage;•Led investigations into breaches of public and private sector e-mail systems andprotocol;•Investigated the attack on Sony Entertainment’s computer systems;•Brought charges, in conjunction with the FBI, against seven Iranians working forIslamic Revolutionary Guard Corps-affiliated entities for conducting a coordinatedcampaign of cyber attacks against the U.S. financial sector;•Oversaw the efforts of the National Security Cyber Specialist Network and theNational Security/Anti-Terrorism Advisory Council program;•Secured the first federal jury conviction on charges brought under the EconomicEspionage Act of 1996;•Led DOJ’s participation on the Committee on Foreign Investments in the UnitedStates;•Disrupted multiple terrorist plots and national security threats, bringing thoseinvolved to justice;•Prosecuted the Boston Marathon bombing cases; and•Provided legal oversight of the NSA’s surveillance activities and represented thegovernment before the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court.