did not know it back then, just like the london ball thing, or other stuff. but now I know.
better not to put my hand in the pocket like that, bc might look funny, right?
did not know it back then, just like the london ball thing, or other stuff. but now I know.
better not to put my hand in the pocket like that, bc might look funny, right?
amazing, right? don´t even try to understand, I might just change it all tomorrow. that is how this works.
yup, indeed important prayer, used by God himself a lot in the past, now God kind of does not pray to himself ("Hey God, it´s you, Jesus."), and yes, very important sentence.
but again, I can just change the past, the past of every person around you and also your own past.
so don´t worry, with me it never was bad. in fact, misunderstood stuff done by prophecy, insight and such.
all follow Gods inpiration. God is like one big soul spread out over all of you, kind of.
also, you don´t really know what has been done.
looked at from different angles reality can appear strange.
trying, support would be much appreciated.
Y is not a bad thing, why do you think it exists?
if it exists, it has a purpose.
also blue is not bad initself.
Relevation 4, 6
Also in front of the throne there was what looked like a sea of glass, clear as crystal.
In the center, around the throne, were four living creatures, and they were covered with eyes, in front and in back. 7 The first living creature was like a lion, the second was like an ox, the third had a face like a man, the fourth was like a flying eagle.
this fits well the interpretation of the gospels representing those 4 animals (like different sides of Jesus)
well, it´s the self proclaimed whites who do that. still thinking it would help, but their faith is growing.
no need for any kind of sacrifice. potatos!
ww2 was a thing, no?
reach out! you not only got it wrong, I can change reality with a fucking finger snap.
the way.
there are no enemies.
>Only God can truly forgive our sins as if they never happened. Thru the Blood of Jesus Christ.
yes, but little more complicated than that as reality is rather complicated.
obviously that bood for life thing is not resulting from Jesus being punished.
it´s more of a meet and great situation.
there is no beast.
it´s actually people very strong in faith, not quite getting their own prophecy and "coinkidinks" and having a hard time loosing their narratives, hence giving God a hard time to pull them on their timeline, sort of.
e.g. kings and church hundreds of years ago.
aiming for the same thing, having little trust in others, trying to summon power to be better disciples.
fight against narratives it is.
timeline flexible you must be.
change the past I can.
the cunt mouth of yours shut needs to be.
think of any random big criminal, realize he followed the craft just as you followed.
it´s actually not evil people but people trying very hard to follow, sadly w/o fully understanding or sometimes even understanding a bit.
having a conversation with spirits 24/7 kind of makes "criminals" a rather loose concept.
>Jesus went to Hell and back for us.
it indeed is a little like that. but as said many times, attacking is not needed in any way, I do that in my mind, all the time.
also it´s not me charging you for turning or anything.
ratio of annoying or attack and claimed effect is not fitting.
and guess what, being Jesus in itself is kind of a task, only by being aware, that itself sometimes is not much fun.
guess what, I do remember some of the most obvious stuff.
but tbh did not get the reference first.
again, it´s a little like that, but the actual way you try to do it is not helping but keeping me from helping.
you block my love by that. leverage over me bc of no money and stuff is just bad for you all. cannot say it any otherway.
have faith. follow me.
and it´s not even like single heads anyways. there is no time. it´s not seperated.
op does.
>Fear porn
I guess I said everyone needs to convert, that is obvious bs andwas just to say fuck you quite loud, did intentionally tell the potato thing, sometimes just be cool.
also told a joke that day.
love every religion, bc, well, I made it be a thing.
yeah, it is.
stop that divisive bs. love each other.
but what does that mean? two meaning so often? up to you to decide? free will?
Jesus says you all have to be super blue bc of super important heaven shit?
Or Jesus just actually saying what is most likely the message: Be cool, just relax and do not overinterpret shit?
past changes. no enemies.
will be more awesome.