Anonymous ID: 7f9559 Jan. 16, 2023, 9 a.m. No.18155867   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5923

>>18155451 (LB)

>>18155470 (LB)


Potentially so, yes…


However most RMT works through mass networks of bots and throw away accounts.


BOTS are one of the biggest problems… but here's the kicker… It only takes a small number of people within a company, with the right access to server infrastructure… to facilitate not only the cover up… but spawning of certain high value assets that can be sold for the right price.


There's a very small number of companies that have such a game where vast botnets and RMT can exist on a such a vast scale.


One example is CCP with their Space game EVE Online. Purchased a few years ago by a Korean based company called Pearl Abyss, but also having been partnered for several years with the Chinese based company NetEase for a mobile version of the game called EVE Echos.


The games have unrestricted market places, full contract systems, and an economy and market system that rivals Wall Street.


Real Money in, Real Money out.


Pay real money for in game premium currency, that is sold on a massive scale out of game at discounted prices for "volume" purchases.


High value in game items that require specific knowledge of spawn locations in game. Real money galore out of game.


The company is based in Iceland, which oddly enough is one of the few countries in the world that basically can choose to ignore international subpoena laws.


The game has quite a rich history, to say the least… But when it comes to RMT… it's probably one of the largest markets to find game assets traded for real money.


World of Warcraft has had a MASSSSIIIIIVE issue with bots and RMT for a very long time… And we all know what Microsoft has been doing trying to purchase Activision Blizzard….


Quite a DEEP DIG on that rabbit hole to be had….