>Merck was reeling from billions in losses
these fuckers call falling short of projected earnings a "loss."
expecting to have $350,000,000 profit but only getting $300,000,000 profit is what THEY call a $50,000,000 LOSS.
>Merck was reeling from billions in losses
these fuckers call falling short of projected earnings a "loss."
expecting to have $350,000,000 profit but only getting $300,000,000 profit is what THEY call a $50,000,000 LOSS.
>add MRNA gene therapy to the food supply and poison humanity.
if it was that easy, the wouldn't have bothered with the whole plandemic hoax to begin with.
the clotshot MUST be injected or inhaled. fear porn or mis-direction for real plan of clotshot chemtrails.
>He liked to "fuck white women"
they imagine they're getting even for slavery.
stoopit white cows allow themselves to be used.
duplicitious fear porn referencing unnamed "scientists" doesn't change the facts.
mRNA will not survive the digestive system intact, nor be absorbed into the blood.
>Motherfucker. We have them.
msm is reporting it. so the opposite is true. maybe docs were planted to incriminate bidan so he can be removed BEFORE he's impeached.
think nixon/watergate.
MOAR FEAR PORN. KYS fedboi shills.
>This same advertisement spoke aboutoralmedications for treating COVID.
the ads are for paxlovid, which is a combo of two pre-existing antiviral drugs (neither of which work, and both of which are dangerously toxic). has NOTHING to do with a mRNA vax. calm your tits.
>Genertically Modified Plants are not real eitherโฆ twat.
of course they are, fuckwit shillboi. i never said they weren't. has NOTHING to do with putting the clotshot in food.
of courseโฆ income taxes hit the wealthy hardest. property taxes hit working people hardest. pay tax over and over on the SAME asset.
yep, and we own a couple lots in FL and the property taxes are pretty low.