We humbly give thanks for this bread.
A Summary of the Current UK Bread Effort to Decode the Q Map using the recent discovery of SEQUENCES embedded in the TIMESTAMPS/DATES of ALL of the Q Posts. We are currently trying to understand the purpose of these sequences.
This new discovery occurred in UK BREAD #49, after anons had determined to take a stab at learning to read the Q Map. An attempt to decode a Q clock riddle in post 833 about a clock on which up is down and right is left, anon turmed the image of a backwards clock upside down with the timestamp time on the clockface but appearing to be a mirrored time was initially thought to be a failure. The new mirrored time seemed close to a backward reading of the timestamp but was off by 5 minutes. It was this dig that showed anon to look at the timestamp from both the left and right sides. We noticed a kind of palindromic aspect to the timestamps which led us to start backward reading the timestamps first from the right and then from the left. We noticed we could find 2 numbers which were 2 numbers of SEQUENCE. We were aware of Q's encouragement to make us think of SEQUENCES to read the map by asking us 'What is a sequence?'
We have found that there are sequences embedded in all of the timestamps of the Q posts. Some examples of sequences would be 2 numbers like 100 and 200, or 181 and 281, 2102 and 3102. ALL of the Q post timestamps/dates contain these sequences. They are found by reading the first number from RIGHT TO LEFT, and the second from LEFT TO RIGHT. It immediately became apparent that the 2 numbers must also meet in the middle with a common number which we are calling a conjunction. We think these shared numbers are an integral part of the importance and perhaps the reason for the sequences. We are not yet sure of how these shared numbers are used in the map, but they are critical to finding the sequences. They must occur in each sequence decode.
UK Bread is currently engaged in decoding these sequemces in all of the UK/London drops in the hopes that we can see another pattern in how all of the posts are tied together. Are these conjunctions in the sequences the skeins of the spiderweb to tie series of posts together? Or are they maybe a secret number to apply to a substituon cypher like a decoder ring wound around a clock? We don't know. But we think we are onto something and taking a good look.
A good refresher on sequences can be found here:
Sequence decodes for Q posts:
Q 1521, Q 1544, Q 1570, Q 1571, Q 1595,
Bake, I think you guys said these were FOOTNOTE posts? Not UK/London?
Need homework. Tx fren
>Example of palindromes, the elimination of, and the remainder(s).
Q 4944
6 44 04
1) 44
2) 404
Remainder, "6"
Q 4945
6 46 48
1) 646
2) 464
Remainder, "8"
Anon, I like your idea of watching the remainder, or what is LEFT. As for remainders, I don't have any on the RIGHT as we had agreed to start decodes on the far right. No remainders on the right.
But again, I like that you are watching that LEFT (remains) thing. Q def pointing at something there. Maybe it's just what remains (or what is left) on the left side.
>Why is this relevant?
>North, East West, South
This is very interesting. Remember MIL grid map coordinates are read in the opposite from NEWS. Military maps are NORMALLY read from the SW. That NEWS unlocks thing could be a way of READING capital letters, sentences and lines within posts. A kind of book cypher. Read lines or CAPS of lines backward, from top to bottom. N[EW]S. Another thing for anons to keep an eye on.
An afterthought: I don't think this NEWS (reading) approach would work when looking at rows of imaged posts on the large map because ever-changing rows of posts change what was once in the upper right corner. Q only asked that the map be IN ORDER.
Bring them new decode requests. Last batch went smoov n easy. Send as many as you can.
We need to start looking at things ever so small that may show how (I believe) a computer is choosing the next timestamp.
NOT A VERIFIED DECODE. Just look for stuff like these small coincidences.
Picrel of two Qposts made one after the other.
>Previous approach seemed to clutter the bread. Let me know your thots on this.<
Was gonna recommend just post #s for ease but brief explain is also gud. Tyvm anon.
Sequence decodes for Q drops 1604, 1605, 1668, 1669
Q posts 1707, 1708
>a significantly apparent discrepancy in the timestamp in a Capped Q post v the Q posts available, variably, at two reliable Q post aggs.
I think we may want to work at resolution of this before moving too much further along with decode effort based on Timestamps and Sequences.<
Anon, sorry been focused on just bangin out the sequences. Can you just do a single post on that to link to? What posts are different and how? Is it a choice of timezone by the agg site? There was a time early on in which we hadn't settled on which time zone to use. I believe it MUST have been settled by the time of that 't-minus' Q drop or we would have had a scolding.
Please drop those posts for me to decode them together to see what differences occur. I think it may not be a problem for a person if reading within one aggregator. But we might find out a necessary tweak for posts that memorialized a different timezone or used 24-hr time versus a 12hr am/pm timestamp.
As for the 24hr vs 12hr clock, I've had good luck decoding with the 12-hr version thus far. But we can do an experiment with that too.