the vaxxed reveal and divide themselves, fren…
by dying.
truth sharing = fear mongering?
EVERYTHING happening on the world stage is what it looks like when those who know are preparing for a known cyclical event.
anon does nott own truth. Kek!.
history, mythology, astrophyics, plasma physics, current earth and solar system, and near star changes, the bible, etc illustrate this as reality. This ISness, however, does not require your acceptance to be.
Heere is when, in the last 100years, this cycle has been publicly understood and acknowledged, and by whom.
only to the fearful.
there is nothing to fear, ever.
fear comes from NOT knowing, not from knowing.
it will be chaos.. careful what you wish for. how many in USA are about to find out they chose to self-euthanize with jabs, and will soon KNOW they have ADE/VAIDs, and myocarditis/suddenlies upcoming? Not to mention the knowledge of having done it to their children as well? 5Billion + worldwide…
your beliefs of what has occurred do not match reality. You are conflating historical 'vaccines' with mrna technology jabs. They did not do this for no reason, nor at some random time in the cycle.
'attempts' to mark, genetically modify, give ADE/aids, deliver lipid nanoparticles (metals, etc) via blood brain barrier-crossing hydrogel, and euthanize most of the planet has done the opposite of fail.
Free will canoot be violateed. All made ther choices and will continue to do sso.
We CAN try to offer guardianship aand adoption to all of the suddenly orphaned. But as anons stated recently, if the parents do not already have paperwork executed, it is likely that CPS and CDC 'quarantine'' goons may disappear them.
you are the ONLY one having a fear response to a known cycle being discussed and sauced with those who have SIGNIFICANT knowledge of the subject and are willing to share it publicly via every possible type of available evidence. From ice cores, tectonics, archeological record, traditional oratory history, mythology, astrophysics, solar and plasma physics, etc…
keep telling anons what we 'should' do though.
anon is not Ben Davidson, nor any of the HUNDREDS of published scientists, researchers, and collaborative historians whose work he has aggregated, broken down, and sauced daily for ten years to prove this all to the world.
sauce 70+ years of data on modifed mrna wetware technology
I have no ire.
IDGAF about your freewill choice.
All had the same pressures and the same access to OSINT to make a decision.
Nor does anon carry fear. Pack light.
Andy Ngô 🏳️🌈
A follower sent me this from the certification exam for the American Board of Family Medicine. It asks how the professional should respond to a child with gender dysphoria. If you choose delaying medical transitioning, that is incorrect. The correct answer is puberty blockers.
weaking magnetic field + pilots' increased repetitive radiation exposure at altitude + increased solar activity + increased attraction/conductivity as jabbed =