You prove to the world he's almost all BRAIN, a genius.
Notice no congressmen (200-300 took ivermectin), no WEF 'elites', are 'dying suddenly'?
Another reason why it's a bad idea to hire ugly.
Taking out baggage against the world becomes more dangerous the higher up the power/authority go.
notable nom
Carb issue
It is always carbs and/or sugar.
>Then why do the Bad people rule over us and use our Earth as their playground, and have so for thousands of years?
Same reason one bad apple can spoil a bunch of good apples.
The good apples forgot, BUT ARE 'REMEMBERING', the ancient 'thousands of years old' battle over INFORMATION.
The error you're making is assuming that for any outcome to occur, the SOURCE(S) somehow allegedly have to always be a mathematical majority.
Only a few people WHO ARE TRUSTED, can result in a spread of bad that harms good people.
Humanity is being gifted by 'something' in the source code that is waking people up worldwide.