Thanks bakes
Hopium dens. Kek
Those are pez dispensers
They give you pretty yellow candies
Candy is fresh too
Comes out warm
Well I guess if it takes super elon to fly in to wake up normies then. So be it
Just sharing actual documents from the fine
People at HHS
And really like the statement
It will happen again. Their own words
Lookin fer the ded ones
To many kids today never
Canned foods
Raised gardens
Have animals for food
Had to do without
Don't name your food …
But wait there's more
How bout how to read a damn tape measure
Learn how to build or create
Not expecting someone else to come fix the problem
Only 1 we named
Is fred
This is fred
Fred likes chicken bones
So gotta make sure they are taken away
It's not Fred that concerns me
It's when we get a momma and a cub
Na it's actually almost predictable
I mow …turkeys come
2 days later deer come
Bout a day later Fred comes