Q……after all this slow walking tell me we will someday get to the Duterte method of cleansing society?
Thomas Jefferson said that these periodic cleansing was necessary.
Just publish the names of the ones who have to ¨GO¨
Q……after all this slow walking tell me we will someday get to the Duterte method of cleansing society?
Thomas Jefferson said that these periodic cleansing was necessary.
Just publish the names of the ones who have to ¨GO¨
Everyone understands the trade war stuff with China is really kind of fake right?
They have to reset the economy and erase the Federal Reserve Notes World Wide. This is planned. China is working with us. It is all optics right now to keep the normies asleep until the truth comes out.
(((they))) to make a deal with China to reject Trump. But what Trump can offer them is too great a gift. World Wide debt forgiveness.
China is basically beholden to Rothschild debt also. They are not technically free or rich.
Ally with Trump and they can erase their debt and kick out the foreign Jewish control of their country.
And you history fags should remember how much China hates foreigners and foreign control.
They built a 3000 mile wall to keep out the Mongol Hordes….they will do anything to get rid of the Jew.
The day of the noose for Soros?
Secret tribunal? They better film his hanging. I will want to watch that a couple of times.
Fingers crossed.