I think so. Q's next step may be to write JPC on a two by four and whack us upside the head with it.
Looks like the same ring as the "featured" image but it's not. Zoom in on it full screen. It's a gold ring, not a diamond ring, and it has a different pattern. The diamond pedo ring was shopped over top of it for the still shot. How Getty got the image, no idea. I'm done talking about this now.
The aliens have been defeated, then?
Sure looks like him in Q's pic. Might be the top of Alex's head, or Alex's glasses, in the bottom of the frame.
Not so sure. See those vertical lines to the right of the eyebrow? They don't appear in Q's pic. POTUS is a much better match - the "little lines" below and to the outside of his eye appear in the closeup, as pointed out by another anon. Convinced me. I had thought Soros.